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基于Web技术构建网上教学平台 作者姓名:吴 双 专业名称:计算机应用技术 指导教师:段芃芃 讲师 摘要 信息技术在教育中的应用是教育技术的重要组成部分,信息技术的发展,必将引起教育技术学科领域的重大变化。应用现代信息技术构架的网络多媒体教学应用平台是实现网络教学的技术基础,现已成为现代教育技术改革与发展的方向。 从目前多媒体网络教学系统技术实现的形式和方法来看,大致可分为两种教学模式。一种是以视频会议系统为主的实时在线式网络教学,它是通过传输音频和视频,将在空间上分离的教师和学生联结在一起,进行实时的、可视的交互式教学,这种教学对于大部分学校来说实现起来比较难;另一种是基于WEB技术的非实时自主式网络教学,它是使用先进的交互式WEB技术将教学资源组织到相关的WEB页面,存放在WEB服务器上以C/S方式提供互动的教学服务。 从实用性和经济性考虑,构建基于WEB技术的网络教学平台是当前网络教学资源建设的重要任务及发展方向。本文分析网络教学平台的技术特点,主要对基于WEB技术的网络多媒体教学平台的设计思路以及主要技术的实现方法进行一些探讨。 用现代信息技术构架的网络多媒体教学应用平台是实现网络教学的技术基础,现已成为现代教育技术改革与发展的方向。基于在校园网环境下,实现Web发布在技术是成熟的,在资源利用上也是经济的,为有效减少网络流量,防止客户端肥大和易于数据更新,易于实现系统间的连接,确定系统实现采用3层C/S分布式计算结构的Web发布技术,形成基于Web数据库应用下的WWW教学环境。 关键词 :网络教学 C/S结构WEB数据 Abstract It is certain that the education will transfer the network teaching environment to application and management of teaching resources. People do not get bogged down in the small world, overtime, business became modern inevitable official. While a can of entertainment game became anytime necessities, cell phones and computers in people daily necessities of the society, a convenient operation in the game to become buyers reference point. Now we have to introduce this, which satisfies the requirements and design, hoping to bring players. Snake this game is simple, convenient operation, is entertaining, attracted many people. This is game clutched the people’s psychology, simple, have joy endless. In the pursuit of more people desire, the game has brought people chase after the WEBsuccess of pleasure and satisfaction, as in the C/Smodern under pressure is very good relaxation tools. This paper designs the snake game, the game WEB using language, develop language for use as a development tool., This game will make many people from heavy in daily life. Architecture with modern information technology application network ultimedia network teaching platform is the technical basis of modern educational technology has become the direction of reform and development. Based on the campus network environment


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