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目前温度控制在工业生产中和实验室里的运用非常广泛,其控制过程中存在着很大的时滞性和很强的干扰性。能否成功地将温度控制在所需的范围内关系到整个活动的成败。由于控制对象的多样性和复杂性, 导致采用的温控手段的多样性。在诸多温度控制中,电加热炉是典型工业过程控制对象,其温度控制具有升温单向性,大惯性,纯滞后,时变性等特点,很难用数学方法建立精确的模型和确定参数。而PID控制因其成熟,容易实现,并具有可消除稳态误差的优点,在大多数情况下可以满足系统性能要求,但其性能取决于参数的整定情况。且快速性和超调量之间存在矛盾,使其不一定满足快速升温、超调小的技术要求。模糊控制在快速性和保持较小的超调量方面有着自身的优势,但其理论并不完善,算法复杂,控制过程会存在稳态误差。 将模糊控制算法引入传统的加热炉控制系统构成智能模糊控制。
Nowadays temperature control has been widely used in the industrial processes and the labs,with large time lag and big disturb in its control processes. Whether we can successfully control temperature or not in needed area has a big impact on our whole design. As the diversity and complexity of the controlled object, which results in the diversity of the way of the temperature control. Among many temperature controls, electric heating furnace is a typical model in the industrial process controls, its temperature control has heat unidirectional, big inertia, pure lag and time varying denaturalization and so on, we can hardly create accurate patterns and parameters with mathematics methods. Moreover, the PID control being mature that can be easily carried out, has the merit of wiping out a steady state error, can satisfy a system performance request under the majority of condition, but its performance is decided by tuning parameters. Having the conflict between rapidness and super – adjust can’t make it necessary to satisfy the technique request of quickly heat and a small super – adjust. The fuzzy control has its advantages of rapidness and keeping a small super – adjust, but its theory is imperfect and arithmetic complex, control process will exist a steady state error. Leading the fuzzy control algorithm into the traditional heating furnace control system composes the intelligent fuzzy control.
This text is mainly discussed about routine PID temperature control theo