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工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文 110KV数字式线路保护装置研制 110KV数字式线路保护装置研制 摘要 继电保护装置是一种反应电力系统故障和不正常运行状态,并动作于断路器跳闸和发出信号的设备。而且,电力系统的规模在不断扩大,用户对电能质量的要求也在不断提高。因此,对继电保护装置本身的要求也越来越高。 本文的主题是110kV线路保护装置的研究。首先简要介绍了电力系统微机继电保护的发展历史、现状、技术特点及其发展方向。在本装置设计中,距离继电器由正序电压极化,使其有很好的方向性;设计了低压距离继电器可以保证母线三相故障时继电器不可能失去方向性。还对装置中采用的保护、采样算法进行了论述。 本文从软硬件两个方面着手,对110kV线路微机保护装置进行了设计。它的硬件结构核心由80C296和ADSP2181组成,CPU 完成装置的总启动元件和人机界面及后台通信功能,DSP完成所有的保护算法和逻辑功能, CPU内设总启动元件,启动后开放出口继电器正电源,使得装置具有很高的固有可靠性及安全性。本文还对装置进行了软件结构设计,对各个模块的功能作了具体介绍。 本文最后对所采取的抗干扰措施进行了说明,对各个保护功能进行了模拟试验,试验结果证明所设计的微机保护原理、算法、硬件和软件的正确性和可靠性。 关键词:微机保护,110Kv输电线路,数字信号处理(DSP) Abstract Protective relay is the one of devices to response the fault and abnormal of electric power system to send out signals to trip CB. With the expansion of the power system and the consumer higher requirement for quality of power energy, the protection relay's criteria must be improved greatly and developed to satisfy the higher requirement. This thesis is the research of 110kV-line computer basesd protection relay. This paper recalled the history, the current development and future blueprint of computer relay protection. In this paper,it proposed the distance relay with positive sequence polarized voltage which will have better fault-direction recognization.Direction recognization also can be effective when three phase fault takes plase because of low-voltage relay introduction. It is also discussed protection algorithm in the thesis. This paper developed a 110kv transmission line computer based protection with its hardware and software designs. The hardware is developed by main chip 80C296 and ADSP2181. The CPU fullfels relay start-up, MMI and communication and the DSP processes relay algorithm and logic functions. The start-up function in the realy is to energize trip relay positive pole of DC power supply. The protection has very high inherent reliability and security. This paper developed the software of the equipment. The software function of each block has be detailed The preventi


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