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PAGE  文档资料管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要 本系统使用MFC提供的文档视图结构为主体框架,用XML文挡进行数据的储存,实现对各种资料的管理。第一部分是实现对用户界面操作的响应,这部分主要是使用MFC提供的不同的窗口类,即框架窗口,视图窗口,对话窗口以及控件来实现用户操作界面的主体框架的实现。第二部分为处理具体事务的模块,实现用户对资料的管理和使用。第三部分是用XML编写储存结构,这部分主要是设计XML树和对其存储和读取的具体实现。 利用本系统可以管理自己的各种资料(文本的和电子的), 对每一份资料均有命名,对所有的资料进行归类,指明各资料的存放位置,可以给每一份资料指明关键字,便于用户查找资料。若是电子资料(如电脑上的文件),可以通过鼠标点击直接打开文件。整个系统实现了最初设计的各种功能,并能够快速方便的帮助用户查找到需要的资料信息,整个操作界面简洁和实用。 关键词: MFC;XML;框架;窗口 The Design and Implementation of the Documents Management System Abstract The Documents Management System can manage various materials. It is implemented by the Document-View framework provided by the MFC. In order to hold the materials data, a XML document is used. The system is composed by the user interface、the logic processing and the XML operation. The first part responds to the operation of the user. This part is implemented by the various kinds of windows in the MFC, such as a frame window, a view window, the dialog windows, and many control windows. The second part is design to process material management operation such as adding a material, deleting materials, browsing and searching materials. The last part is the serialization module. It uses a XML tree structure to organize the data in the memory and holds the data by a XML text document in the disk. Users can manage their own materials conveniently by this system. In the system, every material has many attributes such as a name what we can call it, a path indicates where it is, an author who writes it, a catalogs field specifies how many catalogs it belongs to, and some keywords for searching it. If the material is a document in the computer, users can view it directly by double clicking the document. The system is enabled all the functions at design and quickly and conveniently search the users need. The document is concise and pragmatic. Key words: MFC;XML;Frame;Window 目 录 论文总页数:20页  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc169580398 1


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