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Section A QUESTION NO: 1 You work as network administrator at TestKing. Your trainee is configuring a router with both physical and logical interfaces. He asks you what factor determines the OSPF router ID. What should you tell him? A. The lowest network number of any interface. B. The lowest IP address of any logical interface. C. The lowest IP address of any physical interface. D. The highest network number of any interface. E. The highest IP address of any logical interface. F. The highest IP address of any physical interface. Answer: F Explanation: The OSPF topology database includes information about routers and the subnets, or links, to which they are attached. To identify the routers in the neighbor table’s topology database, OSPF uses a router ID (RID) for each router. A router’s OSPF RID is that router’s highest IP address on a physical interface when OSPF starts running. Reference: CCNA Self-Study CCNA ICND exam certification Guide (Ciscopress, ISBN 1-58720-083-X) Page 208 QUESTION NO: 2 Your TestKing trainee is configuring a router. In particular, he is examining a routing table that contains static, RIP, and IGRP routes for the same destination network with each set to its default administrative distance. He asks you which route will be used to forward data? 640 - 801 Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools, - 4 - A. The IGRP route B. The static route C. The RIP route D. All three will load balance. Answer: B Explanation: To decide which route to use, IOS uses a concept called Administrative Distance. Administrative distance is a number that denotes how believable an entire routing protocol is on a single router. The lower the number, the better, or more believable the routing protocol. Route Type Administrative Distance ? Static 1 ? IGRP 100 ? RIP 120 Reference: CCNA Self-Study CCNA ICND exam certification Guide (Ciscopress, ISBN 1-58720-083-X) Page 177 QUESTION NO: 3 Three bicycle stores in the TestKing Pro chain have decided to establis


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