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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SAI SA8000?: 2001 Social Accountability 8000 SA8000? is a registered trademark of Social Accountability International About the Standard This is the second issue of SA8000, a uniform, auditable standard for a third party verification system. Subject to periodic revision, SA8000 will continue to evolve as interested parties specify improvements, corrections are identified and as conditions change. 这是SA8000的第二版。SA8000是统一、可核查的第三方认证系统。如果相关方面发现需改正及提高的地方,SAI 会对标准在一定期限内作出相应修改。 Many interested parties have advised on this version. SAI welcomes your advice as well. To comment on SA8000, the associated Guidance Document, or the framework for certification, please send written remarks to SAI. 许多人士给第二版的修订工作提供了咨询。您也可以成为其中一员。如果您想就SA8000标准、配套的指导文件以及认证过程的基本框架发表看法,请书面提交给SAI。 The SA8000 Guidance Document helps explain SA8000 and its implementation; provides examples of methods for verifying compliance; and serves as a handbook for auditors and for companies seeking certification against SA8000. SA8000的指导文件能帮你解释SA8000及其实施、提供达标核查方法的示例。核查人员以及欲获认证的公司可将其当作手册使用。 It is hoped that both the standard and its Guidance Document will continuously improve, with the help of a very wide variety of people and organisations. 我们希望本标准及其指导文件在诸多组织和个人的帮助下能不断得到完善。 SAI Social Accountability International 社会责任国际 ? SAI 2001 SA8000 may not be reproduced without prior written permission from SAI SAI 220 East 23rd Street, Suite 605 New York, NY 10010 USA +1-212-684-1414 +1-212-684-1515 (facsimile) e-mail: info@ Contents Page Purpose And Scope 目的与范围 Normative Elements And Their Interpretation 规范性原则及其解释 Definitions 定义 Definition of company 公司定义 Definition of supplier/subcontractor 供应商/分包商定义 Definition of sub-supplier 下级供应商定义 Definition of remedial action 补救行动定义 Definition of corrective action 纠正行动定义 Definition of interested party 利益相关方定义 Definition of child 儿童定义 Definition of young worker 青少年工人定义 Definition of child labour 童工定义 Definition of forced labour 强迫劳动定义 Definition


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