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基于单片机的广告移动彩灯 摘要 随着电子技术的迅速发展,单片机得到了越来越多的应用。本设计用单片机89S51结合LED(发光二极管)制作了一个广告移动彩灯,它由一块89S51组成,通过逐次扫描其中一块的P2.0--P2.7口,从而依次实现彩灯轮流点亮、逐点点亮、间隔点亮。如果控制交流彩灯,可在P1端口加接继电器或可控硅接口电路。它可以通过程序设计亮两种颜色。本设计可应用在广告彩灯控制器、舞台灯光控制器等领域。 关键字:逐次扫描 , 按键扫描 , 延时 Based on monolithic integrated circuit advertisement migration colored lantern Abstract Along with the electronic technology rapid development, the monolithicintegrated circuit obtained more and more many applications. Here Iused monolithic integrated circuit 89C51 to unify LED (light emitterdiode) to manufacture a belt music broadcast function advertisementmigration colored lantern with the loudspeaker, it was composed by two89C51, through gradually scanned together P3.0--P3.2 mouth, judgedwhether had the pressed key to press down, unified the port scanningand the pressed key scanning, thus realized the colored lantern tolighten, to lighten, the gap point by point in turn in turn lightens.If the control exchange colored lantern, may affix the relay or thesilicon-controlled rectifier connection electric circuit in the P1port. This designs characteristic lay in with three foots light emitter diodes has manufactured a running water colored lantern, it might through the programming bright two kind of colors. This design may apply in advertisement domains and so on colored lantern controller, stage lighting controller. Keyword:Scans gradually , Scanning of the button , Relay 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 1. 绪论 3 1.1单片机发展概述 3 1.2单片机的应用领域 4 1.3单片机的发展趋势 5 2. 正文 7 2.1功能说明 7 2.1.1控制端口: 7 2.1.2程序执行后LED闪动,表示程序开始执行: 8 2.2.1控制电路组成部分: 8 2.2.2 各部分电路及说明 8 2.2.3单片机89S51的功能说明如图1所示: 10 2.2.3实现原理: 13 2.6 仿真与烧录 13 2.6.1伟福软件模 13 3. 结论 14 参考文献 15 附录 16 致谢 25 1. 绪论 当今是信息化时代。随着技术的不断发展,计算机在工业、农业、科研、国防和日常生活等方面都做出了卓越的贡献,而单片微型计算机(简称单片机)是其重用成员。单片机的发展也非常迅速,它依靠一定的硬件基础,根据特定环境,能完成一定的需求。因其结构比较简单、工作任务针对性较强,使得国民经济各个领域中都有他的踪迹。 1.1单片机发展概述 单片机经历了“探索—完善—MCU化—百花齐放”这4个阶段的发展历程。 单片机诞生于20世纪70年代,象美国Fairchid公司研制的F8单片微型计算机。所谓单片机是利用大规模集成电路技术把中央处理单元(Center Processing Unit,也即常称的CPU)和数据存储器(RAM



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