英语语言文学毕业论文:The Problem of Evil---A Universal Issue Seen From Western Perspectives.doc

英语语言文学毕业论文:The Problem of Evil---A Universal Issue Seen From Western Perspectives.doc

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密级: NANCHANG UNIVERSITY 学 士 学 位 论 文 THESIS OF BACHELOR (2000 —2004 年) 题 目 The Problem of EvilA Universal Issue Seen From Western Perspectives 学 院: 外国语学院 系 英语语言文学 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 2000级英本 学 号: 学生姓名: 李诗娴 指导教师: 刘天伦 起讫日期: 2004.2.9~2004.6.15 Contents Abstract (English) Abstract (Chinese) Introducing the issue 3 Biblical basis of the problem of evil 4 Adamic myth The new testament between God and Man Theological perspectives on the problem of evil 5 Philosophical methods Augustine’s theodicy Pre-Augustine and post-Augustine reflections Intellectual exploration and trends of development 11 The trends in modern ages Contemporary significance Conclusion 13 Acknowledgement References Appendix The Problem of Evil A Universal Issue Seen From Western Perspectives Abstract: Human race had had the capability to land on Moon, to travel in the outer space for decades, but no one in the race dare to declare his control of his inner space after thousands of year’ efforts. This article is going to give a brief glance on western people’s perennial efforts in dealing with the problem of evil, which is believed to be an irreducible nature of beings in western theology. I’ll present the arguments hold by Augustine and his profound influence on later reformers and the whole Christianity. Though it’s mostly concerning with the theological aspects, I also paid attention to the philosophical explanations and its practical meaning for us. Then the introduction of modern situation, starting from Nietzsche, would stimulate the readers’ interest in connecting the reality with the abstract concept of evil. And my own designed survey, to some extent, will show the contemporary attitude towards the issue. Key words:evil, Bible, Augustine,


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