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某药店销售系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着Internet的迅速,互联网已日益成为收集信息的最佳渠道于是电子商务开始流行起来,越来越多的商家在网上建起在线商店,向消费者展示出一种新颖的购物理念。网上购物系统作为B2B(企业对企业),(即企业对消费者),C2C(即消费者对消费者)电子商务的前端商务平台,在其商务活动全过程中起着举足轻重的作用。网上购物系统具有强大的交互功能,可使商家和方便的传递信息,完成电子贸易或交易。Internet;药店销售管理系统;数据库 Design of Small Pharmacy Management System Abstract Along with the rapid development of the Internet recent year’s, the internet day by day becomes the best channel to collect and publish information. So the electronic commerce becomes popular. More and more on-line store are build up by merchants, it provide a kind of shopping idea to the consumer. The on-line shopping system serve as the front side of electronic commerce such as B2B (enterprise to enterprise), B2C (enterprise to consumer), C2C (consumer to consumer), which in the entire commerce process plays an important role.The system has powerful interactive function, which may lead the merchant and the customer to communicate with each other conveniently in order to complete the electronics trade or the transaction. This paper mainly introduces the skeleton of the whole system and the establishment of database. Each functional module of the customer such as the background management system module, logical organization of the system, the related table design of the database, and the page’s function are introduced in detail. The background management system is the main functional system, the development of which mainly includes the establishment and maintenance of the background database and the development of the application procedure. After the realization of the system, the administrator may complete the commodity information adding and modifying, the management of the order, users management, as well as the management of the website. Key words: Internet; Management of pharmacy system;Database 目 录 论文总页数:20页 1引言 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2国内外研究现状 1 1.3本课题研究的意义 1 2系统概述 1 2.1总体设计 1 2.2安全机制 3 2.3数据库分析 3 2.4系统的设计 4 2.4.1后台管理功能叙述 4 2.4.2后台管理设计流程图: 5 2.4.3用户购买商品流程图 6 3数据库设计 7 3.1数据库的概念模型 7 3.2


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