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毕 业 设 计 论 文 基于RS485的多机温度采集与显示 陈 红 香 指导老师姓名: 晏 文 靖 专 业 名 称:电子信息工程技术 班 级 学 号: 论文提交日期: 2010年月日 【摘要】温度是工业控制中主要的被控参数之一,特别是在冶金、化工、建材、食品、机械、石油等工业中,具有举足重轻的作用。随着电子技术和微型计算机的迅速发展,微机测量和控制技术得到了迅速的发展和广泛的应用。单片机具有处理能强、运行速度快、功耗低等优点,应用在温度测量与控制方面,控制简单方便,测量范围广,精度较高。 多机温度监测系统可实现对多点温度的测量,并能根据设定值对环境温度进行调节,实现控温的目的。本设计基于DS18B20传感器的温度测量和AT89S52单片机的控制装置,通过MAX485通信模块将温度数据传回计算机控制端,从而实现对环境温度进行监测。 本设计就是利用一台PC机与两块单片机所组成的主从式温度监测系统。在本系统中上位机以PC和Windows操作系统为软硬件资源,下位机采用ATMEL公司的AT89S52,总线采用的是测控系统常用的RS-485。 【关键词】AT89S52 PC机与单片机通信 MAX485 【Abstract】Temperature is the main accused in the industrial control one of the parameters, especially in the metallurgical, chemical, building materials, food, machinery, oil industry, has held the role of heavy-light foot. As electronic technology and the rapid development of micro-computer, computer measurement and control technology has been rapid development and wide application. SCM has a deal can be strong, fast, low power consumption advantages, applications in temperature measurement and control, control is simple and convenient, measuring a wide range of high precision. Multi-machine temperature monitoring system can realize the multi-point temperature measurements, and according to set value to adjust to the ambient temperature to achieve temperature control purposes. The design is based on DS18B20 sensor temperature measurement and control unit MCU AT89S52, through the MAX485 communication module the temperature data back to computer-controlled side, thus bringing about the ambient temperature monitoring. This design is the use of a PC, and composed of two master-slave microcontroller temperature monitoring system. In this system, host computer and the Windows operating system to PC hardware and software resources, the next-bit machine using ATMEL Corporation AT89S52, the bus uses a control system commonly used in RS-485. 【KeyWords】 AT89S52 PC and Single-chip communication MAX485 目 录 绪 论 1 第1章 系统设计原理及要求



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