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基于PLC的电动镗床控制系统设计镗床是机械加工中使用比较普遍的设备,主要用于加工精确的孔和孔间距离要求较为精确的零件,属于精密机床。目前,中小型企业使用的是传统继电-接触控制的卧式镗床。由于继电接触控制的电路复杂,动作速度慢,可靠性差,故障诊断与排除困难等缺点,使得这些企业的生产效率低下、效益差。针对这种情况,采用PLC对卧式镗床进行改造。本设计的机床电力拖动系统由两台三相交流异步电动机组成。主电动机为双速电动机,用以实现拖动机床的主运动和进给运动。并用MCGS软件进行模拟仿真,MCGS (Monitor and Control Generated System,通用监控系统)是一套用于快速构造和生成计算机监控系统的组态软件。在本次设计中用MCGS软件通过对现场数据的采集处理,以动画显示对T68镗床的工作过程进行监控。 关键词:PLC 改造 T68镗床 MCGS软件 Design of boring based on PLC Abstract Boring is used in the mechanical processing equipment, Mainly used for machining precision of the distance between the hole hole and more exact requirements of parts, Belong to precision machine tools. At present, the use of small and medium-sized enterprises are traditional relay - contact control horizontal boring. Due to the complexity of the control circuit relay contact, slow, poor reliability, fault diagnosis and eliminate disadvantages such as difficult, which makes the enterprise production efficiency and benefits. In view of this situation, adopting PLC for horizontal boring. The design of the machine by two electric drive systems composed 3-phase induction motor. The motor is a two-speed motor to drive into the machine and to exercise. Using the MCGS software simulation, and Control commissions MCGS (so, general System) is a set of monitoring System for fast and generating computer monitoring System configuration software. In this design using the MCGS software based on field data collection and processing, with animation display of T68 boring work process monitoring. Key?words:?T68 boring MCGS software PLC transformation 目 录 1 引 言 1 2 T68型卧式镗床控制原理 2 2.1 T68型卧式镗床的主要结构和运动形式 2 2.1.1 T68型卧式镗床的主要结构 2 2.1.2 T68型卧式镗床的运动形式 3 2.2 T68型卧式镗床电器控制 3 2.2.1 T68型卧式镗床原有电器控制 3 2.2.2 T68型卧式镗床电器控制的改造 3 2.3 T68型卧式镗床主要元件的选择 4 2.3.1 电动机的选择 4 2.3.2 控制电路中所用元器件的选择 5 3 PLC对T68卧式镗床的改造过程 8 3.1 PLC的概述 8 3.1.1 PLC的基本结构 8 3.1.2 PLC的语言 9 3.1.3可编程控制器的选型 10 3.2 改造过程 11 3.2.1整体设计简介 11 3.2.2 利用西门子S7-200PLC对T68镗床的改造 11 4 MCGS组态软件概述 26 4.1 MCGS组态软件简介 26 4.2 MCGS组态软件的



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