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摘 要 本次毕业设计的是半自动液压专用铣床的液压设计,专用铣床是根据工件加工需要,以液压传动为基础,配以少量专用部件组成的一种机床。在生产中液压专用铣床有着较大实用性,可以以液压传动的大小产生不同性质的铣床。此次设计主要是将自己所学的知识结合辅助材料运用到设计中,在设计过程中最主要的是图纸的绘制,这不仅可以清楚的将所设计的内容完整的显示出来,还能看出所学知识是否已完全掌握了。 ?整个设计过程主要分成六个部分:参数的选择、方案的制定、图卡的编制、专用铣床的设计、液压系统的设计以及最后有关的验算。主体部分基本在图的编制和液压系统的设计两部分中完成的。 液压传动夹具Abstract The graduation design is semi-automatic hydraulic special milling machine, hydraulic design special milling machine is based on needs of work, based on hydraulic transmission, match with a few special parts of a machine tool. During production has great practical hydraulic special milling machine, can with hydraulic drive size produces different nature of the milling machine. This design is mainly with my own knowledge will be applied to design of auxiliary materials, strengthening and deepening prior knowledge of hydraulic system design calculation, the general procedure and method to determine the correct method of actuator, choose standard hydraulic components, can skilled using hydraulic basic circuit, composition satisfy basic performance requirements of the hydraulic system. In the design process of the main is drawing, which not only can clearly drawn designed by the completeness of the contents will show out, still can see whether the knowledge already complete mastery. The whole design process mainly divided into six parts: parameter selection, plan formulation, the figure card planning, special milling machine design, hydraulic system design and final relevant calculating. Theme part includes graph preparation and hydraulic system design Key Words Special milling machine, hydraulic transmission, loop, fixture 目 录 中文摘要 I Abstract II 1 引 言 - 1 - 1.1 设计目的及要求 - 2 - 1.2 设计的内容及步骤 - 2 - 1.3 设计任务 - 3 - 2.负载与工况分析 - 5 - 2.1分析工况及设计要求 - 5 - 2.2工作负载 - 5 - 2.3摩擦负载 - 5 - 2.4 惯性负载 - 6 - 2.5运动时间 - 6 - 3.确定液压系统的主要参数 - 8 - 3.1初选液压缸工作压力 - 8 - 3.2计算液压缸的主要尺寸 - 8 - 4.拟定液压系统原理图 - 11 - 4.1选择基本回路 - 11 - 4.1.1选择调速回路 - 11 - 4.1.2选择油源方式 - 11 - 4.1.3选择快速运动和换向回路 - 11 - 4.1.4选择速度换向回路 - 12



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