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2004届本科毕业论文(设计) (仅供参考) 论文题目:基于PLC的温度监控系统设计 所在院系: 机电学院 所学专业:机电技术教育 摘要 可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)被研制成大约在1968年。PLC是一种固态电子装置,它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序。PLC 通过输入/输出(I/O)装置发出控制信号和接受输入信号。由于PLC综合了计算机和自动化技术,所以它发展日新月异,大大超过其出现时的技术水平。它不但可以很容易地完成逻辑、顺序、定时、计数、数字运算、数据处理等功能,而且可以通过输入输出接口建立与各类生产机械数字量和模拟量的联系,从而实现生产过程的自动控制。特别是超大规模集成电路的迅速发展以及信息、网络时代的到来,扩展了PLC的功能,使它具有很强的联网通讯能力,从而更广泛地应用于众多行业。本文所涉及到的温度监控系统能够监控现场的温度,并且能够现场控制和通过计算机控制。 ………………(300-500字) 关键词:PLC,编程语言,温度 Abstract The programmable logic controller (PLC) was developed in 1968. PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stared program .The PLC sends output control signals and receives input signals through input/out (I/O) devices. PLC design is for bad industrial environmental use. Because of the comprehensive computer and automatic technology, make its development change with each passing day, exceed the engineering level while it appears greatly. It can finish logic, order, timing, count, digital operation, data processing, etc. function very easily, and can establish with all kinds of connection with analog quantity of amount of mechanical figure produced through the input-output interface, thus realize the automatic control of the production process. Especially the rapid development, information, arrival of cyber times of the very large scale integration, expanded the function of PLC, makes it have very strong networking communication ability, thus widely apply to numerous trades even more. The temperature supervisory system that this paper is concerned with can the temperature of monitoring send, and can the control on-the-spot with control through computer. ………………(300-500字) Keywords:PLC Programming language Temperature 目 录 1绪论 1 2设计要求 1 3系统的结构 2 3.1 PLC类型的选择 2 3.2 温度传感器 2 3.2.1 温度传感器的类型 2 3.2.2 类型的选择 2 3.2.3 工作原理 3 3.2.4主要技术指标 3 3.3 A/D模块及其温度控制编程 3 3.3.1 A/D模块的介绍 3 3.3.2数据转换 3 3.3.3软件编程的思路 4 3.4 显示电路 4 3.4.1 PS7219简介 4 3.4.2 PS7219的主要特点 4 3.4.3 通讯时序图 5 3.4.4 PS7219数字与控制寄存器 5


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