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摘要 首先,分析零件的技术条件,明确零件的材料组成以及性能要求。对零件结构的铸造工艺性进行分析,明确零件的结构特点,找出可能存在的结构问题。提出改进措施或预防缺陷的措施。其次,根据零件结构特点,技术要求,生产要求,生产批量,生产条件选择铸造及造型方法。由零件的结构特点,提出多种浇注和分型方案,综合对比分析,选择最为理想的浇注位置及分型面。制定出详细的铸造工艺方案。再次,根据铸造工艺方案和零件的特点,选用适宜的工艺参数,设计铸件的补缩系统,浇注系统。绘制出铸造工艺图。最后,设计铸造工艺装备,包括模板和芯盒,绘制模板和芯盒的装配图。 关键字:铸造工艺性 ;铸造工艺方案 ;铸造工艺参数 ;补缩系统;浇注系统 Abstract First of all, I analyse the technical conditions of the parts to clear the material composition and performance requirements of parts ,analyse the casting process of the part structure to clear the structural features of parts ,identify possible structural problem and propose measures to improve the structure of parts or the prevention of defective。Secondly, According to structural characteristics of parts, technical requirements, production requirements, production volume, production conditions I choose methods of casting and modeling. According to the structural characteristics of components, I develop a variety of pouring and parting programmes, analyse comprehensively and comparatively, choose the best pouring position and parting plan and develop a detailed programme of casting process. Again,according to the programme and structural characteristics of parts, I select the appropriate technical parameters , design feeding system and pouring system.of the casting ,map out the casting process plans. Finally, I design the casting process equipment, including the templates and core-boxes and draw the assembly plans of template and core-box . Keyword: Casting process;Casting process programme; Casting process parameters;eeding system ;Cating system 摘要 I Abstract II 绪论 1 1 零件材料性能分析 2 2 零件结构的铸造工艺性分析 3 3 铸造工艺方案的确定 6 3.1 分型的分析比较与选择 6 3.1.1方案一 6 3.1.2方案二 7 3.1.3方案三 8 3.2 造型方案 8 3.3 造型(芯)方法的选择 9 3.4 铸型种类的选择 9 3.5 浇注位置的确定 10 3.6 砂箱中铸件数目的确定 10 3.7 砂芯的设计 10 3.7.1砂芯尺寸 10 3.7.2下芯顺序 11 4 铸造工艺参数的选择 12 4.1 铸件线收缩率 12 4.2 机械加工余量 12 4.3 起模斜度的选取 13 5 铸件体积的计算 14 5.1 实体部分体积 14 5.2 去除部分体积 16 5.3 铸件与铸型的体积 17 6 冒口的设计 18 6.1 热节分析及热节圆的计算 18 6.2 冒口的设计 18




