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江苏大学继续教育学院毕业论文 江苏民营中小企业人力资源管理 面临的问题与对策研究 学 生 姓 名 班 级 、 学 号 工商管理09 指 导 教 师 2012年 05 月 12 日 江苏民营中小企业人力资源管理 面临的问题与对策研究 摘要 改革开放以来,江苏民营中小企业得到了长足发展。但在企业逐步发展壮大,企业发展越来越依赖于高素质人才的现实条件下,江苏民营中小企业原有的人力资源管理模式已远不能满足企业发展需要。因此,创新人力资源管理模式,重视人力资源开发利用,已成为企业提升核心竞争力,增加效益的重要途径之一。江苏民营中小企业在激烈的市场竞争中要想获得更大的发展必须加强企业人力资源管理。本文在分析了民营企业人力资源结构特征的基础上,结合当前江苏民营中小企业人力资源管理的不足与问题研究讨论了一些针对性的对策。 关键词:江苏,民营中小企业,人力资源,管理 ABSTRACT Since the reform and open policy, the Jiangsu privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise obtained the considerable development. But grows strong gradually in the enterprise, the enterprise development relies on more and more under the high quality talented persons actual condition, the Jiangsu privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise original human resources management pattern far has not been able to meet the enterprise development needs. Therefore, the innovation human resources management pattern, takes the human resources development use, has become the enterprise to promote the core competitiveness, increases one of benefit important ways. Jiangsu privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise in intense market competition, if wants to obtain a bigger development essential to strengthen the enterprise human resources management. This article in has analyzed in the Private enterprise human resources structural feature foundation, the union current Jiangsu privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise human resources managements insufficiency and the question research discussed some pointed countermeasures. Key Words:Jiangsu, privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise, human resources, management 目 录 引言…………………………………………………………………………………(1) 第一章 企业人力资源管理的概述 ………………………………………………(2) 1.1人力资源管理的内涵新形势下人力资源管理的特点人力资源…………………(3) 1.2.2人力资源管理的重心—知识型员工 …人力资源管理的发展更具有战略性企业与员工关系的新模式 …………………………………………加强企业人力资源管理的重要性…(4) 1.3.1人力资源管理能够提高员工的工作绩效人力资源管理是企业发展的需要人力资源管理是企业核心竞争力的重要要素民营中小企业人力资源管



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