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学号:0902030138 郑 州 华 信 学 院 毕 业 论 文 题目:国内轿车售后服务体系研究 学生姓名:汪涛 所在院系:机电工程学院 所学专业:汽车运用技术专业 所在班级:09汽车(1)班 指导老师:乔建伟老师 完成日期:2012年3月12号 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 近年来,我国汽车工业迅速发展,汽车保有量也大幅增加,达到了多万辆我国庞大的汽车保有量和快速的汽车销售增长,为汽车服务业的发展提供了巨大的成长空间。传统的汽车销售服务业,也正受到国际流行的“四位一体”销售服务店(也称“4S店”)的冲击。汽车厂家和经销商深深地意识到,只有通过严谨、完善、周到、优质的售后服务,培养出较高的顾客满意度,形成良好稳定的客户关系,才能在日趋白热化的市场拼杀中博得一席之地。售后服务客户关系 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title: Domestic car sales service system Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of Chinas automobile industry, auto possession also greatly increased to more than 8500 vehicles in the car in the automobile industry has important position. China auto possession and the huge fast car sales growth, for the development of service industry of the car with a huge growth space. Traditional car sales services, are also under international popular quaternity sales service store (also called the 4 S inn) impact. Car manufacturers and dealers deeply realize that only through the rigorous, perfect and considerate, the high quality post-sale service, develop high customer satisfaction, form good stable customer relations, can the increasingly heated market in a roma won.. This paper mainly through the car after service system present situation of the analysis. To present market situation and development prospect, the development model several aspects to our auto after-sales service system analysis, the paper points out the shortcomings of the current. And through the comparison and analysis of the foreign cars after-sales service system, puts forward the after-sales service industry can use the car development experience. Keywords: after-sales service system customer relationships 目录 1 绪论 1 2 轿车售后服务体系的现状分析 4 2.1 国内外轿车售后服务体系现状 4 2.1.1 国内轿车售后服务体系现状 4 2.1.2 国外轿车售后服务体系现状 5 2.2我国轿车售后服务体系存在的弊端及改进方法 6 2.2.1 我国轿车售后服务体系存在的弊端 6 2.2.2


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