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 PAGE 43 密级: NANCHANG UNIVERSITY 学 士 学 位 论 文 THESIS OF BACHELOR (2007—2011 年) 题 目 个人理财投资系统的设计与开发 学 院: 软件学院 系 计算机软件 专业班级: 计算机软件073 学生姓名: 胡富东 学号: 108000607131 指导教师: 李立宏 职称: 教授 起讫日期: 2010年12月—2011年5月 目录 个人理财投资系统的设计与开发 专 业:计算机软件 学 号:108000607131 学生姓名:胡富东 指导教师:李立宏 摘要 面对市面上多如繁星的投资渠道和投资方式,本系统选择了投资方法简单,大众化,收益稳固的几种投资方式进行投资预算,投资分析,以满足大众需求。 本系统共分投资类和负债类两大类,分别对定期存款,国债,股票,公司金融债券,等额本息贷款,等额本金贷款,一次还本付息贷款进行分析和预算,并给予相关建议。 系统采用C#程序设计语言,结合Microsoft Visual Studio 2005开发工具实现,图片和Flash皆来源于互联网资源并加以加工后使用的。本系统采取的计算方法是全国统一标准。 关键字:投资;理财;ASP.NET;系统开发 Development Of Personal Finance Investment System Abstract Along with the time development, extending of reform and opening up, the well-off gradually realize, there are more and more money in peoples hands, how to use the money to create new wealth has become Chinas national concerns. In recent years, the stock market surged to the subprime crisis and brought the plunge, Greek debt crisis, real estate, finance and investment measures such as reform by more and more people concern. Face as the stars on the market the investment channels and investment way, this system chose investment method is simple, popular and income stable several investment approach to investing budget, investment analysis, to meet the public demand. System using c #, combining Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development tools to implement, pictures and Flash is derived from the Internet resources and to use after processing. The calculation method of this system is adopted the unified national standards. Key word : Invest; Manage Money Matters;ASP.NET; System Development 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294373029 摘要  PAGEREF _Toc294373029 \h I  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294373030 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc294373030 \h II  HYPERLINK \l _Toc294373031 第一章 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc294373031 \h 1  HYPER


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