
《毕业设计说明 电动汽车仪表控制系》.doc

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毕业设计说明书 电动汽车仪表控制系 统的设计 专业 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名 吴金 班级 BD电气071 学号 0720601123 指导教师 孙宏国 完成日期 2010年6月5日 电动汽车仪表控制系统的设计 摘 要:仪表是人和汽车的交互界面,为驾驶员提供所需的汽车运行参数、故障、里程等信息,是每一辆车必不可少的部件。仪表显示的直观与美观使得驾驶不但是代步之必需,也成为舒适生活的一部分,而参数传递的准确与可靠性则直接关系到汽车行驶的安全。传统的汽车仪表以机械式为主,通讯方式以线束为主。其不足之处体现在:信号传输线路多、电磁干扰大、仪表体积大、显示精度不高、不能实现电控汽车的CAN总线信息共享。 基于CAN总线电动汽车LCD仪表系统克服了传统仪表的不足,能把电动汽车内部复杂的参数生动形象地显示出来。该仪表显示系统具有以下特点:使用CAN总线实现显示信息的传送,共享车上其它模块处理的信息,使车内布线简单;传输及显示信息可靠;仪表体积小;系统扩展能力强;实时性好,精确度高;显示内容丰富形象。该系统由微处理器和其它一些电子元器件组成,主要通过CAN总线接收车上其它电路模块处理好的信息,并对信息加以分析、显示、记录等。此系统通过CAN总线通讯,实现了车载信息的共享,简化了整车的布线,减少了整车仪表对线束的依赖,提高了整车系统的可靠性。 通过对电动汽车LCD仪表系统的组成及其功能的详细分析,并利用Atmel公司的8位高性能微控制器AT89S52设计了此仪表系统的硬件电路。在此基础之上,完成了控制软件的编写,并最终调试完成。 关键词:仪表;CAN总线;单片机 The Design of Electric Vehicles instrumentation Control System Abstract: The instrument is the alternant interface between vehicle and people, which provides driver with the necessary running parameters of the vehicle, malfunctions, mile- age information, and so on. It’s an absolutely necessarily components of the vehicle. The intuitionistic, handsome instrument make drive not only become possible to substitute foot, but also become a part of comfortable life. At the same time, the nicety and credibility of parameters transfer also decide the security of driving. Traditional auto instrument mainly based on mechanical principle, the way of communication mostly is by wiring harness. There are many shortages such as too much signal transmission lines, big electromagnetism disturbs, big instrument cubage, low display precision, can not realize the share of auto information, and so on. The LCD instrument system of the electric vehicle based on CAN bus overcome the shortages of the traditional auto instrument, which can display the complex parameters of the electric vehicle in a lively and visual way. The instrument system is of the following characteristics, realizing the share of the auto information by CAN bus, credible transfer and display information, small instrument cubage, stron


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