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摘 要 钢包运输台车是炉外精炼中的一种必不可少的运输设备。为了满足安全快速的 生产,钢包车的设计要求也越来越高。_ 本论文采用传统的经验分析方法对车架进行设计和强度校核,确定钢包运输台 车基本方案的设计。 本论文的主要工作是利用三维机械设计软件solidworks2012,对 120t钢包运输台车进行三维实体建模,并在一定的装配顺序下对实体模型进行计算机虚拟装配。结合钢包运输台车的使用情况,建立了有限元分析模型。根据钢包运输台车的工作状态模拟施加载荷和约束,采用ANSYS软件对台车车架进行有限元分析,最终得出钢包运输台车的应力和应变云图,确定了危险点和危险截面。在保证车架强度,提高材料利用率的前提下,利用ANSYS对车架进行优化设计。最后用实验研究的方法对设计后的车架进行检验。 本文的研究不仅为车架的一般设计提供了参考和依据,解决了企业的实际问 题,同时对车架的优化设计提供宇新的思路和可行的具体路线.为同类研究提供了 良好的借鉴。 关键词:钢包台车 有限元分析 优化设计 Abstract The ladle furnace buggy is one kind of essential transport vehicle outside the stove in the fining. In order to satisfy the safe fast production, the design request of ladle furnace buggy more and more is also high. In this paper first the design method of the traditional experience analyze is done, the design project of ladle furnance buggy is decided. The main work of this paper is use solidworks2012 to design three-dimensional entity of the ladle furnace buggy. Meanwhile along certain order assemble these parts. According to actual circumstance of the ladle furnace buggy,has established the finite element analysis model, exert the load and the restraint, uses finite element analysis software ANSYS to carry on the statie analysis to the frame, finally obtains the stress and the strain nephogram of the ladle furnace buggy, has determined the hazard point and the dangero us section.Finally experimental study is used to examinate the designed frame. All the studies in this paper not only offer some references and gists for the design of the frame , solved process actual problem of the factory,but also offer a new idea and some actually method, has provided beneficial trial to being similar to the design of the ladle furnace buggy. keywords :ladle furnace buggy, finite element analysis,optimizationdesign 第一章总论 1.1概述 我国作为钢铁生产大国,目前正在积极采用工业自动化、薄板坯连铸连轧等先进钢铁生产技术,从而优化生产流程,提高钢材质量,增加经济效益。 薄板坯连铸连轧技术是国际上80年代末,90年代初开发成功的生产热轧薄板的技术,因其建设投资少、生产周期短和效率高等优点而成为当今世界钢铁工业具有革命性的前沿技术。它集科学、技术和工程为一体,将热轧板卷的生产


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