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河 北 建 筑 工 程 学 院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 400型回转式活性炭再生炉设计 学 科 专 业 机械设计制造及自动化 班 级 机063 姓 名 任乐乐 指 导 教 师 王占英 任玉灿 辅 导 教 师 摘要 活性炭再生炉是一种新型设备,并且科技含量很高,它的功能是除去吸附的杂质,使炭重新恢复吸附活性。 回转式活性炭再生炉的主要组成有回转炉体、螺旋给料装置、滚轮以及支撑和冷却排料装置等。活性炭高温热再生方法是通过加热对活性炭进行热处理,使活性炭吸附的有机物在高温下炭化分解,最终成为气体逸出,从而使活性炭得到再生。高温加热再生在除去炭吸附有机物的同时,还可以除去沉积在炭表面的无机盐,而且使炭的新微孔生成,使炭的活性得到根本的恢复。热再生法是目前工艺最成熟,工业应用最多的活性炭再生方法。加热再生法再生效率高、再生时间短、应用范围广。目前国内外黄金行业活性炭的应用越来越广泛,用于活性炭再生处理的设备需求量越来越大,已形成了电热、燃油等多种类型和多种系列和型号的活性炭再生处理设备。 本设计主要是保证炉筒要有很好的圆度和直线度,以保证回转炉在工作时的平稳性;炉筒在工作时要有良好的结构刚度和热稳定性; 炉筒在四个密封位置要有很好的同轴度,以保证回转炉的密封性能。 关键词:活性炭 再生 再生炉 活化 ABSTRACT Regeneration of activated carbon is to regain activated carbon adsorption, when a lot of impurities are adsorbed to activated carbon in the reduction or losses of adsorption capacity, in order to remove these impurities to take the technical measures. There are many types of renewable equipment at home and abroad, this design introduces the development of activated carbon regeneration rotary furnace and improving of framework. Activated carbon furnace rotary main have rotary cylinder, screw feeding device, as well as the support rollers, cooling devices and so on. Furnace is divided into dry, high-temperature carbonization and activation of three stages in general at work. In dry phase, the activated carbon removes volatile components. High-temperature carbonization stages is part of activated carbon adsorption of organic boiling, vaporization and desorption, as part of organic matter decomposition reaction occurs to generate small-molecule hydrocarbon description from the residual components remain in the pores of activated carbon to become a fixed carbon. At this stage, the temperature will reach 800~900 ℃ in order to avoid oxidation of activated carbon, usually in vacuum or inert atmosphere. Activation of the next stage, to pass into the reactor with carbon diox



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