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包头师范学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 论文题目:浅谈如家快捷酒店VI设计及制作 院 系:美术学院 专 业:平面设计 姓 名:郭雪玲 学 号:0705160084 指导教师:陈飞 二零壹壹 年 四 月 摘 要 VI(Visual Identity),通译为视觉识别,是企业深层次的文化、精神、哲学和信仰的视觉化演绎,具体则通过以标志为核心的视觉基本要素(如标准字、标准色等)和应用要素(如事务用品、标识系统、交通工具、广告形式等)向社会公众传播、推广。它是一项建立在视觉传播理论、视觉传达设计和对视觉传播媒体控制管理基础上的、科学而复杂的传播工程,并非简单的视觉表现手段。 运用VI设计全方位地反映企业的经营理念企业可以通过VI设计实现。对内征得员工的认同感,归属感,加强企业凝聚力,对外树立企业的整体形象,资源整合,有控制的将企业的信息传达给受众,通过视觉符码,不断的强化受众的意识,从而获得认同。实施VI战略是企业信息传播的系统工程。企业的视觉识别系统将企业理念、企业价值观,通过静态的、具体化的,视觉化的传播系统,有组织、有计划和正确、准确、快捷地传达出去,并贯穿在企业的经营行为之中,使企业的精神、思想、经营方针、经营策略等主体性的内容,通过视觉麦达的方式得以外星化。使社会公众能一目了然地掌握企业的信息,产生认同感,进而达到企业识别的目的。Abstract VI (Visual Identity), translated through visual recognition, an enterprise deep cultural, spiritual, philosophical, and visual interpretations of faith, specifically to mark the core through the visual elements (such as standard characters, the standard color, etc.) and applications elements (such as transaction supplies, marking systems, transport, advertising, etc.) to the public dissemination, promotion. It is a theory based on visual communication, visual communication design and visual media on the basis of control and management, and dissemination of scientific and complex project, not a simple visual means of expression. The use of VI design comprehensive, multi-angle to reflect their business philosophy. Companies can achieve product design and brand VI imagination. Internal consent of the employees identity, sense of belonging, strengthen cohesion and the overall image of foreign enterprises set up, integration of resources and controlled the enterprise message to the audience through visual symbols, constantly strengthen the audiences consciousness, and thus recognized. Implementation of the VI strategy is the spread of enterprise information systems engineering. Corporate visual identity system corporate philosophy, corporate values, through the static, concrete, and visual communication systems, organized, pl


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