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摘 要 在开采石油的过程中,井下的温度和压强是必不可少的测量参数,准确的井下温度和压强测量对于油井监测等都具有重要的作用。油田投入开发后,随着开采时间的增长,油层压力不断下降,地下原油大量脱气,粘度增加,油井产量大大减少,甚至会停喷停产。为了弥补原油采出后所造成的地下亏空,保持或提高油层压力,实现油田高产稳产,利用注水井把水(或者气)注入油层,以补充和保持油层压力。然而采取这些操作时一定要在对井下条件有全面了解之后才能进行。在传统的测量井温过程中,使用了红外测温仪、红外热成像仪、温度传感器阵列等,但由于井下环境对测试仪器产生很大的影响,容易造成测试误差,且对于温度场的测量有很多不足。针对这一现状,本文以STC89C51单片机为核心,模数转换芯片ADc0809和串行EEPROM芯片AT24C32为主要外围扩展器件,设计了一套初级油井测试系统。本文设计的油井测试系统在硬件结构上由电源模块、振荡电路、复位电路、存储电路、数码管显示电路、数据采集电路、串行通讯电路以及其他一些外围电路组成,对于这些硬件模块本文给出了详细设计。本文设计的油井系统测试仪可以方便测得所需参数,具有精度较高、速度较快和采集稳定等优点,效果良好,而且数据采集部分具有通用性,可以二次开发应用于其他行业,前景广阔。 关键词:油井测试,数据采集,STC89C51,ADC0809,AT24C32 Title:Design of a Tester for the Oilwell System Abstract In the process of drilling, downhole temperature and pressure is essential for measuring parameters, accurate underground temperature and pressure measurement for oil well monitoring plays an important role. Oilfield development, along with the exploitation time of growth, the reservoir pressure drops ceaselessly, the underground crude oil large degassing, viscosity increased, oil production is greatly reduced, or even stopping spraying production. In order to make up for crude oil extraction underground shortfall caused by, maintain or increase reservoir pressure, oil yield, utilization of water injection well water ( or gas ) is injected into the reservoir, to supplement and maintain reservoir pressure. However, take these operations must be in to have a comprehensive understanding of the downhole conditions can only be carried out after. In the traditional measuring temperature process, the use of infrared thermometer, infrared thermal imaging instrument, temperature sensor array, but due to the environmental test equipment produces very big effect, easy to cause the testing error, and the measurement of temperature field with many shortcomings. In view of this situation, based on the STC89C51single-chip microcomputer as the core, a / D conversion chip ADc0809and serial EEPROM chip AT24C32as the main external expan



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