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中文摘要 消费信贷在信用卡业务发展中至关重要,是信用卡营业收入中最重要的来源之一。我行曾在业内首创了领先的消费信贷产品——账单分期,它与商场分期(包括分期宝)、邮购/邮购分期等一起构成了我行消费信贷的主要产品线。但是,随着市场环境的不断发展和客户需求的不断变化,以账单分期为主的消费信贷产品显露出了不少弊端,我行信用卡在消费信贷领域的竞争力呈现出下滑趋势。为此,经过科学的市场调研与严谨的业务测试后,我行推出了新的消费信贷产品——好享贷。 它是一种新型的信用卡分期付款产品,经过筛选,它将给予特选客户独立于信用卡现有额度之外的专项额度,客户可持信用卡在指定范围内的商户,以所获专项额度,通过商户普通POS机付款购买商品或服务(从而满足大额消费的需求);交易成功后,客户以其信用卡按约定期数分期偿还。好享贷与市场上已出现的消费信贷产品采用不同的经营模式,通过数据模型挑选目标客户、依靠系统实现流程自动化,从而使得此业务模式有可能爆发出顽强的生命力与竞争力,势必对现有消费信贷产生颠覆性作用,并将长期引领消费信贷的发展趋势。 关键词:信用卡,消费信贷,好享贷,分期付款,专项额度,流程自动,引领消费。 Abstract Consumer credit in the credit card business development is essential, is one of the most important source of credit card business income. I line the first leading consumer credit products in the industry - billing installments, and the mall stage (including staging treasure), mail / mail-order stage together constitute the major product lines for bank consumer credit. However, with the continuous development of the market environment and changing customer needs, the bill installments based consumer credit products revealed a number of shortcomings, the competitiveness of the bank credit card in the field of consumer credit, showing a downward trend. To this end, after the scientific market research rigorous operational testing, the Bank launched a new consumer credit product- enjoy a good loan. It is a new credit card installment products, after screening, it will give a special quota for selected customers independent of the existing amount of the credit card, customers can hold the credit card within the specified range of merchants, received special amount paid for goods or services, by the ordinary merchant POS machines (to meet the needs of the large consumption); the transaction, the customers for its credit card installments in accordance with the agreed number of installments to repay. Enjoy the good loans and consumer credit products on the market using different business models, selection of target customers through the data model, relying on the system to a


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