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目录 摘 要 1 一 引言 3 二 总体方案设计 5 1 系统总体设计 5 1.1 系统的工作流程 5 1.2 快热式电热水器系统组成框图 5 1.3 系统控制算法的设计 5 2 硬件方案论证 6 2.1 单片机的选择 6 2.2温度检测传感器的选择 7 2.3传感器输出的放大电路的选择 7 2.4 驱动及加热控制电路的选择 8 2.5电源电路的选择 8 2.6 显示器的选择 8 2.7 键盘的选择 9 三 系统硬件单元电路的设计 9 1单片机晶振电路 9 2 温度传感器及放大电路设计 12 3过零检测电路图的设计 13 4 驱动电路的设计 13 5显示电路的设计 14 四 系统的软件设计 15 1主程序流程图 16 2显示扫描子程序 16 3加热控制子程序 17 4按键扫描处理子程序 18 5温度检测子程序 19 五 总结 20 参考文献 21 附录:系统硬件总原理图 23 摘 要 快热式电热水器与普通电热水器最大的区别在于它取消了储水罐,热水随开随用,无须预热,减少了电能浪费。另外,它还具有体积小,使用安全,安装方便等特点。热水器的种类很多,但快热式热水器也有很多种。 要想设计出较好的快热式电热水器必须要以较强的单片机作为基础,而单片机的发展正好为热水器的开发奠定了前提条件。但也必须有一定的编程能力才能设计出较好的系统来,此设计的综合性也比较强,它不但需要主要学科的支持,也需要其他辅助学科的支持,正体验了一个设计者的综合能力。 本设计的快热式家用电热水器系统采用电源电路、单片机控制器、温度检测电路、按键输入电路、LED数码管及指示灯电路、报警电路和加热控制电路还采用了热敏电阻、放大电路以及转换电路等。并给出了信号流程图并介绍了快热式家用电热水器软件系统。 关键词:快热式电热水器;测温传感器;二分查找算法 Abstract Fast water heater general electric water heater with the biggest difference is that it canceled the water tanks, hot water anytime with no need for preheating, reducing energy waste. In addition, it is small, safe, and convenient installation. Many different types of water heaters, water heaters, but there are many. ??To design a good quick electric water heater must be based on SCM as a strong basis for the development of the microcontroller for the water heater just laid the preconditions for development. But it must have a certain ability to design a programming system better, this design is also more strongly integrated, it not only needs the support of the major disciplines, also need support from other complementary disciplines, is a designer of integrated experience capacity. The design of the fast thermal water heater system uses a power supply circuit, MCU control, temperature detection circuit, the key input circuit, LED digital tubes and light circuits, alarm circuits and heating control circuit also uses a thermistor, amplifier circuit, and conversion circuit. And gives the signal flow chart and introduced the fast thermal water heater software system. Keywords: quick hot water hea



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