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齿轮机构用于传递空间任意两轴之间的运动和动力,具有质量小、体积小、传动比大和效率高等优点,广泛应用于汽车、船舶、机床、矿山冶金等领域,是现代机械中应用最广泛的一种传动机构。近年来计算机技术的迅速发展,推动了现代设计理论发展。现代齿轮的设计、制造、加工越来越依赖于大型的集成三维软件。实现齿轮三维参数化建模为后续工作奠定基础,满足了CAD/CAE/CAM 的需要,具有非常重要的现实意义。对齿轮的啮合原理及渐开线形成原理做了研究,实现渐开线直齿轮、斜齿轮及直齿锥齿轮的当量圆柱齿轮的齿廓造型。基于齿轮各参数间的关系,在UG中利用齿轮参数表达式绘制齿轮实体模型,实现齿轮在UG的参数化设计。UG/Open二次开发模块是UG软件的二次开发工具集,利用该模块可对UG系统进行用户化开发,可满足用户进行各种二次开发的需求。学习了UG二次开发的各种工具,了解了各种工具的特点和适用范围。选择 UG/Open API编程语言,结合使用UG/Open Menu Script和UG/Open UI Styler开发工具,实现了基于UG二次开发工具的直齿圆柱齿轮、斜齿轮、直齿锥齿轮的参数化设计。
Gear mechanical is used to transfer movement and pass power in two space axis Gears have much advancement than other mechanical, it includes little mass, small volume, great transmission rate, and high efficiency. It has great used in cars, ships, tools, metallurgy and others. Gear has become to be the most wide used transmission mechanical. this years, the modern design theory has great development as the developing of computer technique. In modern times, gears in designing, manufacturing and processing are more and more dependent on large-scale integrated 3D software. Gear for the three-dimensional modeling parameters is the base for follow-up to meet the CAD/CAE/CAM needs ,it is very important in practice. Reference the principle of gears meshing and involute forming, achieve the tooth profile modeling of spur gear, helical gear and straight Bevel Gear equivalent of the spur gear. Based on the relationship of the gear parameters, draw gear solid model use expression in UG NX, achieve parameters design in UGNX. UG/Open module is the open tools in UG, using the tools we can empolder our UG system as we need, users can almost satisfy all kinds of secondary development needs by use the tools. Understand the characteristics and scope of application of all the tools of UG/Open after studying each kind of tools. Select UG/Open API programming language, a combination of UG/Open Menu Script and UG/Open UI Styler development tools. Achieve parameters design
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