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教育类的写作词汇 学知识:gain/acquire knowlege 耗时间:idle away sbs time 改善孩子的身体/心理健康: improve/enhance childrens physical/psychological health 破坏孩子的身体/心理健康: hurt/damage childrens physical/psychological well-being 把精力集中在……上面:focus on/ concentrate on sth. 分散学生的注意力:distract students from sth. 锻炼学生们的意志力:strengthen students willpower 让孩子们变得软弱:weaken childrens willpower 减轻学习压力:ease/relieve academic pressure 加重学习压力:intensify academic pressure 激发学习者对于……的兴趣:stimulate learners interest in sth. 削弱学生对于……的兴趣:sap/dampen students interest in sth. 理论结合实践:integrate theory with practice 理论与实践相脱节:disconnect theory from practice 培养创造力:foster/cultivate creativity 扼杀创造力:stifle creativity 提高学习者的效率:boost/enhance learners efficiency 降低他们的效率:lower their efficiency 给学生以动力去做某事:motivate the students to do sth. 让学生产生挫败感:frustrate students dampen/sap the students’ enthusiasm 重新点燃学生们对于……的热情:rekindle students enthusiasm for sth. 让学生疲惫不堪:exhaust students energy’ physical, mental and emotional development promote the students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development 心理健康:psychological soundness psychological welfare psychological well-being 上学:attend school 然而,其他人相信男孩们与女孩们能从男女合校中获益更多。 Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. 男女合校:mixed school 只有男生或女生的学校:single-sex school 能力(先天):aptitude talent gift 能力(后天):skill technique 青少年: adolescent youngster youth teenager 传授知识:impart knowledege inculcate knowledege 灌输高尚的道德观念:instill high moral values 为了让自己在任何社会中都是良好的成员,个人必须尊重并遵守他们社区的尊则并共享他们的价值观。 In order to be a good member of any society, the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. 价值观:outlook values 给学生以灵感:give the students inspiration 教学法: teaching methodology pedagogical methodology 适应能力:adaptability 学生对老师所教知识的掌握:students’ grasp of what has been taught students’ command of what has been taught 就业技能:employable skills marketable skills 填鸭式教法教学生:`force-feed the students 学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器。 Students should not


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