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Jack could have survived . Rice could have married him. He needn’t have gone to the party because it was cancelled. 做了不必要做的事情. 总复习 1*shouldn’t have done *should have done 2 could have done 3 needn‘t have done 师徒一场,我希望我的课对你是一种启迪. 兴趣是最好的老师. 英语是通往国际名校的通行证. 英语是一种生活方式,享受学习的过程. 学习英语的过程是对自己的一种磨练. 你的背后有很多双期待的眼神. Seeing Wang , the swan forgot to flap its wings and fell on the ground . When the swan saw Wang ,… the swan –see 主动关系. I wait 主动关系. Seeing the stone , the driver stopped the bus. You hurt my feelings , passing by with a smile . 总结:当逻辑主语和做状语的动词为主动关系的时候,用doing 做状语. Seen by Patrick ,the swan was barbecued by him. the swan –see 被动关系. Seen from far away , Patrick looks thin. Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful. Having eaten the swan , Patrick was changed into a frog . Having finished his homework , he went home. 做状语的动词发生在主句动词之前,用having done . Having been changed into the frog , Patrick was eagerly waiting for COCO to kiss him . 表示被动,还发生在主句动词之前,用having been done. 被踹了好多次,他失去信心了. Having been dumped for n times , he lost heart. To save her father , she stayed in the castle . She stayed in the castle to save her father . 1 __________(看到大家都在聚精会神地看书),we stopped talking and began to study. Seeing that everyone is reading books attentively,…. 2 __________(好久没有受到父母的来信),______he was worried about him. Not having heard from his parents for a long time, …. 3 ________(跟随着它的脚印),the zoologists spotted the hungry panda. fallowing its footprints, …. 4 _________(后面跟着两个保镖),the pop star came to meet the fans . Followed by two bodyguards, 1 if 的虚拟 对现在 对过去 对将来 1 形式 对现在的虚拟: If I were COCO , I would marry Patrick. 总结从句 If +过去时,主句+would/could / might + 动词原形. 练习 1 :我是国王你就是王妃. If I were the King , you would be the Queen . 对过去的虚拟: If Patrick had been there , the Chinese team wouldn’t have lost the game . 总结,If 从句had+pp , 主句would +have +pp. 对将来的虚拟: If I were to do the job , I woul



