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2001.11 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试 A 卷 参考答案: Part A Passage 1 : 人脑平均有100 亿个神经细胞,分为两个大致的半球,有时称右半脑和左半脑。// 大脑的两半球虽然就其大小和形状而言比较相像,却又各司其职。// 大多数 的左半球主要负责语言操作,左半脑的这种语言功能优势似乎在婴儿出生前 便已存在。// 人脑的右半球掌管着视觉和空间技能,并负责对非语言声音以及音乐旋律的感知。 Passage 2 : 中华人民共和国和美国 两个伟大的国家,但两国的文化、政治传统和经济制度相距 甚远。// 尽管如此,两国也还存在着许多共同利益,这些利益可以通过改善关系得以实现。// 虽然美中之间的贸易关系有时会产生争执与误解,但是贸易也可以为改善两国的经济 状况、增进友谊架起桥梁。// 由于这种关系 在平等互利的基础上发展起来的,两国人民应当会从中获利。 Part B Passage 1 : Last Wednesday the Research Center for Ancient Civilizations held an international symposium, during which more than 100 Chinese and overseas scholars met to discuss the origin and early development of ancient Chinese civilization.// The international symposium aimed to trace Chinese history beyond the Xia Dynasty, which was believed to be the first dynasty in Chinese history.// Scholars believe that the Chinese civilization is the worlds only ancient civilization that has been developing for 5,000 years without interruption.// The origin and development process of his ancient Chinese civilization are the important subj ects for archaeologists and historians to explore. They also show an enormous interest in the context and mechanism of the ancient Chinese civilization. Passage 2 : As an important component of the tertiary industry, the development of tourism needs a good economic, urban, human culture and ecological environment.// 1 In recent years, through a series of activities, such as setting up a National Sanitary City, a Model City for Environmental Protection, the urban and rural environment in Kunshan has been greatly improved.// Now, Kunshan is actively engaged in becoming an Outstanding Tourist City in China. It will perfect the tourist functions of the city, and upgrade its service in the tourism sector.// An ancient and



