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肩关节 肩峰下滑囊炎 subacromial bursitis 肩关节前脱位 anterior shoulder dislocation 肩关节周围炎 periarthritis scapulohumeralis 肩锁关节脱位 acromioclavicular dislocation 肩袖完全撕裂 complete tear of tendinous cuff 肩袖损伤 tendinous cuff injury 肩撞击综合征 impingement syndrome 右肩Bankart损伤 Bankart lesion of the right shoulder 右肩SLAP损伤 弹响肩 snapping shoulder 冻结肩,五十肩(肩周炎) frozen shoulder 肩周炎 periarthritis of shoulder 臂丛神经牵拉损伤 brachial plexus traction injury 臂丛神经损伤 brachial plexus injury 肘关节 肱骨内外上髁炎(网球肘) internal and external humeral epicondylitis 网球肘Tennis Elbow 高尔夫球肘 Golfers Elbow 肘管综合征 cubital tunnel syndrome 肘关节强直 eldow ankylosis 腕关节 腕尺管综合征 ulnar tunnel syndrome 腕管综合症Carpal tunnel syndrome 髋关节 髋关节 hip, joint 弹响髋 snapping hip 先天性髋关节脱位 congenital dislocation of the hip,CDH 先天性髋臼发育不良 congenital acetabular dysplasia 先天性髋关节发育不良 congenital hip dysplasia 缺血性坏死 avascular necrosis,ischemic necrosis 股骨头缺血性坏死 avascular necrosis of the femoral head 强直性脊柱炎 ankylosing spondylitis 髋关节炎hip: arthritis of the hip 髋骨性关节炎 osteoarthritis of the hip 股骨头无菌性坏死 aseptic necrosis of femoral head,ANF 跛行 claudication,limp 间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication 膝关节 创伤后骨关节炎 post traumatic osteoarthritis 创伤后关节炎 post traumatic arthritis 膝韧带撕裂Knee: Torn Ligaments 膝关节炎Knee: Arthritis 膝骨性关节炎Knee: Osteoarthritis 膝关节置换术 Knee Replacement 膝内侧副韧带损伤 injury of medial collateral ligament of knee 膝外侧副韧带损伤 injury of lateral collateral ligament of knee 膝前十字韧带损伤 injury of anterior cruciate ligament of knee 膝后十字韧带损伤injury of posterior cruciate ligament of knee 滑膜炎 synovitis 绒毛结节性滑膜炎 villonodular synovitis 色素绒毛结节性滑膜炎 pigmented villondular synovitis,PVS 滑囊炎 bursal inflammation 关节鼠,关节游离体 joint mouse / joint corpus liberum 关节退行性变 joint degeneration 腘窝囊肿 popliteal cyst (Baker’s cyst) 骨软化症 osteomalacia 剥脱性骨软骨炎 osteochondritis dissecans,OCD 髌骨软化症,膝盖软骨软化症 chondromalacia patellae 髌前滑囊炎 prepatellar bursitis 髌骨骨折patellar fracture 髌骨骨折术后 postoperation of patellar fracture 半月板囊肿 meniscus cyst, cyst of menisci 半月板破裂 meniscorhexis 半月板撕裂


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