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6.6 不一致 英文句子的前后呼应是一个重要的问题,表现在主语和谓语、主格和宾格、单数和复数、时态一致等方面。如果出了差错,不仅仅是语法问题,而且很容易造成意思上的误解。例如,people后面跟have是指“人民”,后面跟has,则指的是“民族”。“Each people have its own culture.”由于不注意这个问题,这个句子就让人无法理解。 下面的句子都是用词前后不一致的病句,请加以改正。 a.?Once one have (has) money, he can do what he want (wants) (to do). b.?Riding the horse was (were) the two girls, Valerie and Therese. c.?She took advantage of anyone or anything who or which (that) could further her career. d.? Deciding that they could reach no decision that night, the jury retired to its (their) rooms to get some sleep. e.?The foreman(工头) shouted at both of us, Peter and I (me), before we had a chance to explain. f.? It took them one and a half day (days) to complete the work. g.?He hurried because he knew his family was (were) waiting for him anxiously. h. The United States Department of Agriculture supervise (supervises) the quality, cleanness, and purity of meat. i.?The term “technology” refers to the discoveries and inventions that help people improve its (their) way of life. j.?The ability to retain a mental record of earlier experiences are (is) referred to as memory. k.?Every year Colorado is visited by millions of tourists who come for a variety of reason (reasons). l.?Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services that it (they) can produce relatively cheaply. m.?Turkey and dressing are (is) a popular dish at Thanks-giving. n.??In the new building there are (is) a library, which has no books, and a music practice room, which has no musical instruments. o.?Roy is the only one of our athletes who have (has) won a gold medal. p.?This habit, which in itself are (is) harmless, are (is) likely to lead to others that is (are) decidedly harmful. 6.7 不平衡 如果在英文句子中有两个或两个以上的平行成分,那么这些成分应该保持平衡。例如,你想表达下述意思:“她既漂亮,又温柔,还勤俭持家。”在中文中“漂亮”和“温柔”是形容词,而“勤俭持家”却是动词短语。写成英文,最好使用三个平行的形容词:She is pretty, tender, and thrifty(节约的),而不要像中文那样写成:She is pretty, tender, and manages the household thriftily。 请修改下面的句子,使它们的结构保持平衡。 a. 原句:



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