
英语写作指导--Scratch an outline and first draft1.ppt

英语写作指导--Scratch an outline and first draft1.ppt

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英语写作指导--Scratch an outline and first draft1.ppt

What’d we do last week? The four types of prewriting we discussed were… Freewriting Questioning Making a List Clustering (Diagramming) And the four aspects of a perfect piece of writing are… Unity Support Coherence Sentence Skills EVIDENCE THESIS PROOF-READING ORGANIZATION The Final Prewriting Technique Scratch Outline A Scratch Outline is a great follow-up to the other prewriting techniques It can also be a useful method to see if more prewriting is necessary It often looks like this… MP - I. A. B. II. A. B. III. A. B. The Final Prewriting Technique Scratch Outline MP - I. A. B. II. A. B. III. A. B. Main point of the writing Support for the Main point Now to practice our new method! First – We’re going to use the prewriting technique Making a List So for the next 10 minutes make a list of all the things you can think of (nothing is too big or small) related to the topic: Women are superior to men Men are superior to women OR Scratch Outline Now go through the list that you have made. Find the information that seems like it could be the main point of your essay And The information that could be your support for that main point Great! Scratch Outline Now make your outline MP - I. A. B. II. A. B. III. A. B. Writing the First Draft When writing the first draft you will be able to add the details you left out during prewriting/outlining If you get stuck… About grammar, punctuation, and spelling at this stage… DO LATER YOU’LL HAVE TIME LATER Writing the First Draft What is important in the first draft… EVIDENCE THESIS Let’s try it! Revising and Editing Revising and editing, or PROOF-READING, can be done multiple different ways: If you have more than a day to finish your paper… On a timed test (TEM, CET, IELTS, GRE, TOEFL)… Revising and Editing There are three stages to Proof-reading Revi


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