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扬州瘦西湖公园绿地空间格局与结构的量化研究 王晓春1,2,周晓峰2,何小弟2,姚江潮3,吉琳3 ,马燕兰2 (1. 南京林业大学 森林资源与环境学院Quantitative analysis of urban forest structure: A case study on Slender West Lake WANG Xiao-chun1,2, ZHOU Xiao-feng2, HE Xiao-di 2, YAO Jiang-chao3, JI Lin3, MA Yan-lan2 Forest Resources and Environment Coll,Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, 210037,China; Agric Coll,Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009,Chian; Gardens Bureau of Yangzhou City in Jiangsu Prov, 225009 ,China) Abstract: The spatial features and attribute data of urban forests in Slender West Lake were acquired by using satellite photographs and field investigation. Through selecting the indices such as patch size, patch shape index, fractal dimension, diversity and dominance index, etc., the landscape pattern was analyzed and the following results were achieved: 1) the number of the patches in the researching area were 230,while 105 patches the patch shape index was large than 1.5. 2) the type of the landscape was rich, and the diversity index was high. And after systemic and quantitative analysis of the species composition and spatial distribution pattern of urban forest community based on geographic information system(GIS),the following results were achieved:1)the vegetation in the park was rich and in a good condition. Salix babylonica, Prunus persica , Populus euramevicana ‘I-214’and Pterocarya stenoptera were the main species according to their abundant individuals and relative dominance. The spatial distribution pattern of this vegetation indicated that it was in a growing level and in the best state for ecological benefits; 2) the tree species relative dominance based on vegetation quantity had no distinct relationship with the species abundance, and the species having abundant individuals might have a low relative dominance; and 3) the curve displayed in the relationship diagram between tree individuals and tree height showed descending. With the increment of tree height class, the relationship between tree indivi


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