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36 1 Vol. 36, No . 1 19991 JOURNA L OF COMPU TER RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT Jan. 1999 * * 刘大有 唐海鹰 陈建中 庄铁成  陈桂芬 ( 13 23) * ( 13 111) ( MISM AP) . M ISMAP , . , , , , . , , , , TP 18 - A MULTI MEDIA INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM OF MAIZE PRODUCTION LIU Da-You, T ANG Hai-Ying, CHEN Jian-Zhong, * * ZHUAN G Tie-Cheng , and CHEN Gui-Fen ( D ep art ment of Comp ut er S cience , J il in Univ ers ity , Chang chun13 23) * ( Changch un A cad emy of A gr icul tural Sc iences , Chang chun13 111) , - Abstract The design ideas functions development and some important technologies for multi ( ) . media intelligence system of maize production M ISMA P is proposed MISMAP w as applied to guiding the maize production of Yushu City , Nongan County in Jilin Province and Suihua City in Honglongjiang Province. M ISMAPs application enhanced the leader s level of understanding the importance of intelligent information technology applying to agriculture and it becomes a good assistant of leaders in managing maize production. At the same time, M ISMAP is w ell received by the peasants, becoming an authoritative expert which can instruct peasants in maize production and answ er the peasants questions at all times and everyw here. , , , , - Key words expert system maize production data base know ledge base multi media ( ) : , , . . ( : 1998- 2-16; : 1998-


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