
基于C8051F021 单片机的测控终端设计-毕业设计.doc

基于C8051F021 单片机的测控终端设计-毕业设计.doc

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摘 要 选题任务是基于C8051F021 单片机的测控终端设计。该测控部件用于火炮 自动操瞄系统实验平台,负责向伺服系统发出位置或转速等控制指 令,实现闭环和开环控制。本文阐述了该测控终端的软硬件设计及调试过程。内容共五章,详细介绍了串行通信接口、模拟量输入与输出接口、人机接口和电源管理等几个模块的硬件电路设计及软件设计,经调试基本达到了预期设计要求。 第一章介绍了本设计的总体任务。分别提出了硬件设计和软件设计的主要内容,及本人所作的工作。 第二章是本设计所用单片机C8051F021 的简介及其外围电路的设计。 第三章主要介绍了本测控终端的硬件设计。 第四章主要介绍了本系统的PCB 设计。 第五章主要介绍了本系统的软件设计及调试。 关键词: C8051F021,数字交叉开关,串行通信接口, 数模转换器(DAC),模数 转换器(ADC),印制电路板(PCB) Abstract The assignment of this research is to design an instrument for measuringand controlling which is used in the experiment system of artillery auto operating and aiming.It sends out command to the servo system for controlling in the process debugging the experiment system.This thesis is about the design and implement of the method of analog input and output channel and the circuits of communicating interface based on SCM C8051F021.It contains five chapters, introduces the programme and the circuits of serial communication interface, analog input and output interface and the measuring of the pulse width modulated signals in detail.The design mostly achieves the purpose expected. In the first chapter, the total function that this task will achieve is given,including the hardware system,the program language and the debugging tool.Besides,it also involves the task that the writer has done. In the second chapter,it mainly introduces the characteristic and configuration of SCM C8051F021. In the third chapter,it introduces the hardware design of the whole system. In the fourth chapter,it stresses on the the design of PCB. The fifth chapter emphasizes on the system debug. Key Words: C8051F021, Digital Cross Switch,Serial Communication interface, Digital Analogy Converter(DAC), Analog Digital Converter(ADC), Printed Circuit Board (PCB) 目录 第一章 设计概述…………………………………………… (1) 1.1 选题的研究内容………………………………………………(1) 1.2 系统结构………………………………………………………(2) 1.3 硬件设计概述…………………………………………………(3) 1.4 软件设计概述…………………………………………………(4) 1.4.1 软件设计主要内容………………………………………………(4) 1.4.2 软件开发工具简介………………………………………………(4) 1.5 本人所做的工作………………



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