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长坝中学英语公开课教案 时间:2011年10月21日 班级:七(2)班 执教人:杨静 主备课人:杨静 参与人:丁远红 杜玉科 周远飞 Topic 2 Cooking is fun! Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 1. (1)Learn adverbs of manner: finely, lightly, immediately (2)Learn other new words and phrases: cut, oil, add, cooker, pork, cut up, ham, noodle, bowl, advantage, cheap 2. Know the ways to cook Chinese food: First, cut some cooked meat very finely. Next, you need to put some oil in the pan. Then fry the meat lightly. You need to add the rice slowly. Finally, add some salt. 3. Talk about sequences: First … Second … Next … Then … After that … Finally … 4. Learn object clauses with “whether”: But I’m not sure whether I can cook it well. Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具 录音机/图片/彩笔/小黑板(幻灯片) Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟) 复习食品名称,呈现本课的目标语言。 1. (出示迈克尔关于美食节的海报,复习食品名称。) T: Let’s look at the poster that Michael made for the food festival. Can you speak out these foods on it? S1: Yes. There are Italian pizza and American chocolate cookies. S2: Greek cheese pies, Indian curries … T: Pretty well! Most of them are western foods. We can ask them to cook some Chinese food. Can you cook some Chinese food? Then what can you cook? (学生任意回答。) S3: Yes. I can cook fried rice. S4: I can cook dumplings. S5: I can cook porridge. T: You are great. Then can you tell me the ways to cook porridge? 2. (学生可能不能熟练地用英语讲述,教师可以让学生分组讨论,教师给予一些提示词,然后再选几名学生汇报,呈现本课的目标语言。) T: Maybe you can’t tell me now. Never mind. I’ll give you some key words. Then you can discuss in groups. After that, I’ll ask some students to report the results of their discussions. Please look at the blackboard carefully. (教师出示小黑板或幻灯片。要求学生掌握add;用图片教学要求学生理解单词pot。) First, put some water in the pot Second, boil water Next, wash rice Then, add rice Finally, cook (选几名学生汇报讨论结果,鼓励发言好的学生。) T: Well done! When we cook porridge, we must cook very carefully. We also need to a


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