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摘 要太阳能相对于其他的能源,是可再生的,永远也用不完,其他能源资源稀缺有限,随着化石能源的日益枯竭、人们对环境保护问题的重视程度也在不断提高,寻找洁净的替代能源问题变得越来越迫切。太阳能作为一种可再生能源它具有取之不尽、用之不竭和清洁安全等特点,因此有着广阔的应用前景,光伏发电技术也越来越受到人们的关注,随着光伏组件价格的不断降低和光伏技术的发展,太阳能光伏发电系统将逐渐由现在的补充能源向替代能源过渡。 现如今手机是人们的重要的通讯工具,所以由于电池没电造成的干扰就日渐明显,使用手机的人都有过这样的经历,外出或旅游时电池突然没电了,因不能及时找到或没有220V市电而无法给手机充电,影响了手机的正常使用。为了解决这一问题,本课程设计介绍一种多用太阳能手机充电器,利用单片机控制,将太阳能经过电路变换为稳定直流电给手机充电,并能在电池充电完成后自动停止充电,还可作为一般直流电源使用,从而摆脱对市电的依赖而获得通信的自由。与常规的充电器相比,太阳能充电器有着明显的优势。 关键词:太阳能,电池,单片机,智能,BUCK变换Multi-purpose solar mobile chargerAbstractSolar relative to other energy, is a renewable, never exhaustless, other energy resources are scarce limited ,Increasing depletion of fossil energy, its emphasis on environmental protection are also rising, look for clean alternative energy issues become more urgent. Solar energy as a renewable energy it has an inexhaustible and clean and safe and so on, so have a broad application prospects, photovoltaic power generation technology is more and more attention, with the PV module continue to lower prices and photovoltaic technology, solar PV systems will gradually supplement the energy from the current transition to alternative energy. Nowadays the mobile phone is people important means of communication, so due to the interference caused by battery is increasingly apparent, People who use mobile phones have had the experience, go out or travel no electricity when the battery suddenly, and because they can not be found or does not timely 220V electricity and not to c harge their cell phones affect the normal use of mobile phones. To solve this problem, the course design introduces a multi-purpose solar charger, use MCU control, will transform solar energy through the circuit to stabilize the direct current to charge their cell phones and can charge the battery automatically stops charging after, but also as a general DC power use, so get rid of dependence on electricity obtained the freedom of communication. Compared with the conventional charger, solar charger has a clea


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