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新型消防车的研究 The Research of a new type of fire engine 摘 要 目前,火灾事故呈上升的趋势,给人们日常的生产和生活造成带来了巨大的损失,由于传统的消防车具有体积大,操作不灵活,带水量有限等缺点。因此,在现有消防车的基础上,设计出了一种新型的智能消防车,在实际应用中产生重大影响。 本作品设计的新型消防车采用Atmega16单片机作为主控芯片,采用自制的可控小车做车体,考虑到消防车升降臂和车体的比例关系,进而使两者有效合理的结合在一起。在升降臂的底盘转动上,利用简单实用的四杆结构,通过控制电机实现升降臂的方向可调,而且具有良好的稳定性。通过升降电梯的吊篮装置营救被困人员,不仅加快了救援的速度,还提高了救人的稳定性。传送带上等距的安装多个可承载四人的营救箱体,并且在箱内壁安装保险带,由电机提供动力,利用同轴传动原理将电机与皮带传动结合在一起。这样可以有效的传送被困人员,大大提高了救生的速度和效率。考虑到一些特定场所,消防人员难以进入到事故现场,在消防车上安装摄像头,不仅可以实时监测事故现场的状况,而且可以通过无线通讯模块实现对消防车的远程控制。 关键词: 皮带传动;电机;无线通讯模块;单片机Atmega16 ABSRACT At present, the rising trend of fire accident, give people daily life and production brought huge losses caused by fire, because of the large size is traditional, not flexible operating with water, limited shortcomings. Therefore, on the basis of the existing engines, designed a new type of intelligent engines, in actual application of impact. This works design new engines using microcontroller as the main control chip, Atmega16 self-made controlled cars do bodywork, considering the truck hoist arms and body relation, and then make a reasonable effective both together. The chassis rotation in hoist arms, using a simple and practical four poles structure, through the control motor to realize the direction of hoist arms adjustable, and has good stability. Through the lifts basket trapped device, not only accelerate the speed of the rescue, but also improve the stability of the rescue. The conveyor belt can carry more than offset the installation of four people in the box and rescue cabinet, wall installation seat belts by motors, using coaxial transmission principle and belt transmission together. This can be effective transmission trapped workers, greatly improving the life-saving speed and efficiency. Considering some specific places, firefighters to enter to the scene of the accident, in fire truck installed cameras, not only can monitor the scene of the accident, but can be realized through wireless communication module of engines



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