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毕业(设计)论文--企业802.1x认证技术的应用 802.1x认证技术的应用随着信息化技术的飞速发展,许多有远见的企业都认识到依托先进的IT技术构建企业自身的业务和运营平台将极大地提升企业的核心竞争力,使企业在残酷的竞争环境中脱颖而出。经营管理对计算机应用系统的依赖性增强,计算机应用系统对网络的依赖性增强。计算机网络规模不断扩大,网络结构日益复杂。计算机网络和计算机应用系统的正常运行对网络安全提出了更高的要求。信息安全防范应做整体的考虑,全面覆盖信息系统的各层次,针对网络、系统、应用、数据做全面的防范。信息安全防范体系模型显示安全防范是一个动态的过程,事前、事中和事后的技术手段应当完备,安全管理应贯穿安全防范活动的始终。关键词? 信息安全;;CA;;Of enterprise network security planning and implementation of Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, and many forward-looking companies recognize that relying on the advanced IT technology to build the enterprise's own business and operating platform will greatly enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises so that enterprises in the harsh competitive environment stand out. Management of the computer application systems to enhance the dependence of the computer application systems to enhance the dependence of the network. Computer networks have been expanding, increasingly complex network structure. Computer networks and computer application systems up and running on the network security put forward higher requirements. Information security should be done to prevent consideration of the overall, comprehensive coverage of information systems at all levels for network, systems, applications, data to do a comprehensive preparedness. Information security and prevention system model shows that safety precaution is a dynamic process, prior, during and after the technical means should be complete and security management should always run through the activities of security precautions. Key words: information security; 802.1x;CA;;引言 3 第一章 802.1x技术介绍 4 一.802.1x认证体系 4 二.802.1x认证流程 5 三.802.1认证网应用 6 第二章 项目实施目的与涉及内容范围 9 一.涉及技术 9 二.项目实施原则 9 三.项目实施需求 9 四.项目规划设计 10 1.802.1x实施规划: 10 2.设计实施环境: 10 五.网络拓扑与实现功能 10 A.网络拓扑说明 10 B.与改造前相比,有以下区别: 11 C.网络实现的功能: 11 六.网络方案风险与应对措施 11 1.项目可能发生的问题如下: 11 2.全局配置: 12 第三章 具体配置工艺 13 一.Windows AD 配置 13 二.配置域控制器(AD) 22 创建用户和组 22 创建证书 23 三.Radius Server服务器安装及设置 31 四.Cisco ACS3.3 安装配置 37 五.Cisco ACS3


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