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 基于拓扑优化和试验方法的剪板机床身轻 量化设计# 王勇,李昆,崔保平,张祖芳** 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 (合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院,合肥 230009) 摘要:针对一款摆式剪板机轻量化设计需求,应用拓扑优化方法,对床身进行了结构优化改 进;根据床身实际工况分析,确定了合理的载荷及边界条件;利用拓扑优化方法建立了床身 结构概念模型;依据拓扑优化结果,提出了轻量化改进方案,并通过测试分析验证了方案合 理性。对床身不同部位进行加厚、减薄;并分析了不同加强筋厚度对床身结构模型最大主应 力、总位移、Y 向位移及质量的影响;提出了合理的剪板机床身轻量化方案。在满足剪切精 度要求的情况下,使床身重量减轻,实现了轻量化的目的。 关键词:拓扑优化;剪板机;轻量化;试验;有限元分析 中图分类号:TH122 LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN OF PLATE SHEARS BED BASED ON TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION AND TESTING METHODS WANG Yong, LI Kun, CUI Baoping, ZHANG Zufang (School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, HeFei 230009) Abstract: In order to meet the lightweight design requirements of one swing-type plate shears, the topology optimization method is applied to improve the structure of bed. According to the analysis of the actual working conditions, the reasonable load and boundary conditions are determined. The conceptual model of bed structure is established by using topology optimization method. Lightweight improvement scheme is proposed based on the topology optimization results, and the rationality of scheme is verified by test and analysis. Different parts of the bed are thickened or thinned, and the influences of different thickness of the stiffener on the maximum principal stress, total displacement, displacement in Y direction and weight of bed structure model are analyzed. A reasonable lightweight scheme of shear machine bed is proposed. The weight of the bed is reduced and the lightweight purpose is finally achieved in the case of meeting the requirements of shearing accuracy. Keywords: Topology Optimization; Plate Shears; Lightweight; Test; Finite Element Analysis 0 引言 剪板机是钣金加工和钢材加工制造业的重要设备之一,通过采用合理的刀片间隙,对板 材施加剪切力,使其按所需的尺寸断裂分离,广泛应用于汽车制造、工程机械、航空、船舶、 不锈钢制品、装潢等行业。为应对激烈的机床行业竞争,某机床厂决定针对 QC12Y4×2500 型剪板机进行优化改进,在保证正常工作的情况下,对机床整体轻量化设计。随着近些年有 限元和结构优化理论的发展,拓扑优化的思想广泛应用于各种零部件的轻量化设计当中。一 些较为专业的通用软件如 ANSYS 和 HyperWorks 等,均具有拓扑优化模块,将其应用到零 基金项目:安徽省重点实验室建设项目(2011AKSY1119);高端装备制造和新能源汽车技术新服务平台 (11Z0201


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