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摘 要 城市化的发展,使许多郊区划入城市,许多远郊变为近郊,随着各种市政设施的建设,交通出行的便利,周边环境的美化,地方建设规划政策的推动等,使地价大幅度上升,土地的收益大增。修建铁路、公路,搞好开发地区的水电道路建设,搞好各种建筑和服务设施等,也使一些地方获得良好的经营条件,地价也暴涨起来。城市化的快速发展带来的不仅仅是经济的繁荣,更多的是由土地性质的改变和不断追加的投资带来的巨大的土地级差收益的收入。 我国的土地制度规定,除国家规定者外,农村的土地属于农民集体所有。但是,集体土地不能进入一级土地市场,即不能买卖。只有由国家的土地部门实行征用,才能由这些部门出让土地使用权。征用时一般只给予很低的土地、青苗、附着物等补偿费,农民所得很少。土地所有权转移后,上涨的级差地租就由征用者占有,农民不能从中得到收益。 本文通过分析从地铁,公路,桥梁,社区配套,交通,绿化情况等产生土地级差地租的因素研究城市化土地级差地租的大小,并结合现在城市化过程中有关级差地租出现的种种问题,试图找出一些切实可行的解决问题的对策和方法。 关键字:级差地租,寻租,城市化,征用土地 A Study of Differential Rent in Urban development ABSTRACT With the development of urbanization, many suburbs have been assigned to the outskirts of cities and many exurbs have turned into the suburbs. With various municipal facilities construction, facilitated transportation, the beautification of the surrounding environment and promotion of the local planning policy, which made land prices rise significantly and Land revenue increase. Constructing and consummating railways, highways, water and electricity and develop road construction. And complete various construction and service facilities to benefit some area where land prices also can rise up. Rapid urbanization is not only the economic prosperity, but also more is the change of the nature of the land and the enormous differential land revenue. The article is trying to find some practical solution to the problem through analyzing some factors impacted on urbanization differential rent include the land system, housing, urban planning, land price policy, tax policy, demographic, social, international, economic factors, the natural of the land area, social and economic conditions, regional location, transportation, infrastructure, Town planning restrictions, the land area, shape, age and use of municipal facilities analysis, and combine with the related problems of differential rent appeared in the process of urbanization. Key words: differential rent,Rent Seeking,urbanization, land acquisition 城市化级差地租研究 李 欣 031304102 0 引言 在近10年里


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