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毕 业 论 文 题目:大型电子企业技术型人才流失的现状与管理 作 者 姓 名: 学 号: 系(院)、专业:管理工程学院 人力资源管理双学位专业 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: Thesis classification number:C93 Theollege graduate graduation thesis Examination questions:Large electronics company technology current situation of brain drain and management Author full name: Chen Xiao Learn a number: 2009080812 School: Management and Engineering Special Field: Human Resource Management Instructor full name: ang Hui Instructor office holder: Assistant , 2012 摘 要 技术型人才是电子行业的核心力量,是大型电子企业的中坚。随着中国市场经济、电子技术及大型电子企业的不断发展,电子行业技术型人才的流失现象越来越明显,越来越受到人们的关注。本文针对这一现象,通过对现今大型电子企业技术型人才流失现象的具体分析,从中国电子行业人才的需求现状、技术型人才的定义,以及技术型人才流失的现状等方面,探讨了电子行业技术型人才的特点,技术型人才流失的危害。从中找出人才流失的原因并制定相应的应对策略,为大型电子企业的管理者提供有效的管理方法。 关键字:电子企业; 技术型人才; 人才流失; 管理 Abstract The technical type talent is the core strength of the electronics industry, it is a large electronic enterprise backbone. Along with the Chinese market economy, electronic technology and large-scale electronic business continues to develop, the electronics industry technical talents outflow phenomenon is more and more obvious, and more and more attention by people. In view of this phenomenon, This article which is based on the large electronic business technology talents drain in specific analysis, from the demand status of China electronic industry talent and the definition of technical talents and technical talents loss , the respect such as the current situation, discussion of electronic industry technical talents and technical talents characteristics, erosion hazards. Finding out the reasons of talent turnover and making corresponding countermeasures is good for large electronic enterprise managers to provide effective management m


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