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PAGE 内 蒙 古 大 学 本 科 毕 业 设 计 第 PAGE 1页 跨T河20m跨径装配式钢筋混凝土简支T形梁桥设计 【摘要】本文设计的是装配式钢筋混凝土简支T形梁桥,第一部分水文计算的主要内容主要是通过水文计算拟定桥长,确定桥面标高以及冲刷深度,并通过方案的比选确定出本次设计的桥型,第二部分上部结构的内容比较多,主要包括结构主梁尺寸的拟订、桥面宽度以及公路等级的设定,恒载和活载的内力计算、根据承载力配筋以及截面的承载力和剪力的验算,同时复核了横隔梁和行车道板的承载力,设计了支座的尺寸并进行了验算。第三部分下部结构采用了钻孔灌注桩,双柱式桥墩,根据受力拟订了盖梁、桥墩、钻孔桩灌注桩尺寸并进行了截面配筋设计与承载力校核以及钻孔桩灌注桩墩顶水平位移算。 关键词:混凝土简支T形梁桥,内力组合,承载力,截面配筋,水平位移 20 m span fabricated reinforced concrete simply-supported T shape design the bridge 【The design】In this paper the design is fabricated reinforced concrete simply-supported T shape beam bridge, the first part of the main content of the hydrologic calculation is mainly through the hydrologic calculation for long bridge, determine the elevation of the bridge and scour depth, and through the scheme than the election to determine the design of the bridge, the second part of the upper structure content more, including the structure of the size of the main girder bridge and road width to draft, on the level of the set, constant load and live load bearing capacity of the internal force calculation, according to reinforcement and the bearing capacity of the cross section of the shear and checked, and check the beam and driving the isolation of the DaoBan bearing capacity, the design and the size of the bearings are checked. In the third part of the lower structure used the cast-in-place pile, double column type bridge pier, according to the working initiated the cover beam, drilling pile pier and pile size and section reinforcement design and check and drilling pile bearing capacity of pile pier top level is displacement. Keywords: concrete simply-supported T shape beam bridge, internal force combination, bearing capacity, section reinforcement, horizontal displacement 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc8382 1.T河水文设计原始资料及计算 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc13005 1.1设计原始资料 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc17677 1.2河段类型判断 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc10544 1.3设计流量和设计流速的复核 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3985 1.4 拟定桥长 3 HYPER


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