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广州南沙开发区购物中心地块可行性研究报告 摘 要 本项目地处南沙开发区的主入口进港大道与环岛路交汇处,项目占地面积3.33万平方米,总建筑面积13.32万平方米,容积率为4。 项目的定位,要做到集经济效益及社会效益于一体,必须要走一条具有鲜明特色,强调差异化的经营项目。将邀请日本SEGA室内游乐场进驻本项目,成为继台湾之后SEGA在亚洲的第二间海外室内游乐场,并同时经营正宗日货和日式餐馆,绝不经营日本货物以外的商品。目标客户群为南沙的日籍员工及其家属,泛珠江三角洲的白领人士,追求时尚和刺激的年轻人及港澳地区的消费者。 项目拟建地上4层地下负3层建筑。按总建筑面积13.32万平方米计算,地下及地上3层为2万平方米/层,夹层为8000平方米,约占总建筑面积的5%,地上4层为1.32万平方米。首层露天广场面积为3000多平方米。 本项目还所以采用了“Real Option”概念对项目进行规划。有效地降低了项目不确定性所带来大风险。 本项目总投资(含贷款建设期利息)为166 ,137万元,整个建设经营期为10年。本项目的投资来源包括自有资金、销售收入和贷款三部分。其中自有资金投入66,455万元,出租收入投入49,682 万元,需向金融机构贷款50,000 万元。 本项目的出租收入为672,746万元,销售收入为1,371,656万元(包括转售收入),利润总额为1,091,482万元万元,税后利润为717,925万元,租赁项目和销售项目投资利润率分别为7.26%和129%。 项目全部投资的税后财务净现值为442,502万元,内部收益率为58%. 关键词:购物中心;室内游乐场;纯正日货。 Abstract Our exploitation project is located at the main entrance of Nansha Development District which crosses by Jianggang Av. and Round Island Rd..It accounts for 33,300 centiare plottage. The total floor area is about 133,200 centiare, and less than 4 plot ration. The orientation of our prospective project which concerning the gather with economic and social benefit. Consequently, it must create a bright avenue with diverse character. So, SEGA indoor carnie will garrison in our project by our warm welcome, which will become the second indoor carnie in Asia Area, follow by Taiwan. In our project, you could pleasure to see various pure products which origin from Japan. Absolutely, you could enjoy all sorts of Japanese cultural food in our paradise as well. Our target customer group is consist of Japanese employees and their family members; white collar which live in Pearl River Delta; people from the area of HK and Macao. Our project will build 4 layers and underground 3 layers. Following the total floor area to calculate, under and over ground 3 layers at 20,000 centiare per layer. Samdwich occupy 5% of total floor area, at 8,000 centiare. And the fourth floor approximate 13,200 centiare. The first floor exposed sequare belongs the area over 3,000 centiare. In the process of



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