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山东理工大学 学 士 学 位 论 文 题目:基于ARM的 控制电机系统设计 作者: 指导教师: 专业技术职称:副教授 学科专业:计算机科学与技术 申请学位日期:2012年6月 摘 要 目前,基于ARM技术的嵌入式系统几乎已经深入应用到各个领域,是当今32位嵌入式系统应用的主流。ARM在工业控制领域的应用也受到越来越多的关注。 本课题设计了一个基于ARM的嵌入式直流电机转速监控系统。该系统使用PHILIPS公司的以ARM9为内核的LPC2124芯片作为控制核心,配置相应的外设及接口电路,运用性能价格比较好的集成电机控制芯片L298作为直流电动机的PWM驱动器件;采用光电编码器实现对转速信号的采集;采用LPC2124内部集成定时器的捕获功能对编码器生成的脉冲序列信号进行测量;采用74LS74作为鉴相器而识别电动机实时转向;采用单闭环PI控制调节转速;采用LCD1602系列显示屏即时显示电动机的转动信息;采用4×4矩阵键盘对转速及转向进行设置和控制。系统软件主要使用C语言编写,遵循模块化设计的原则,编写了转速的测量、转速的PWM驱动、转速的PI调节、转速的显示、键盘输入等程序模块,程序代码具有良好的易维护性和可移植性。最后使用Proteus ISIS仿真工具对系统仿真,并在仿真平台上对系统性能进行测试与分析。 本系统的设计精度可以满足一般工业控制的要求,能够应用到实际的生产生活中,满足现代化生产的需要。而且能够防止用户的误操作,增强了系统运行的安全性和稳定性,具有一定的实用性和较高的社会推广价值。 关键词:ARM;嵌入式系统;直流电机转速控制;LPC2124 ABSTRACT At present, the embedded system that based on the ARM technology almost has been used on each field, and this technology is the mainstream of current 32 bits embedded system. Applications of ARM in the field of industrial control have also been attracted more and more attention. This article designed an embedded system of DC motor speed control which based on ARM. This system take the ARM7TDMI-S core to the PHILIPS’LPC2124 chip as the control core, configured corresponding outside to suppose and the interface electric circuit, uses the integrated motor controller L298 as the PWM driven device which with high performance price ratio; uses the photoelectric encoder to achieve the speed signal acquisition; uses the capture of integrated timer internal LPC2124 to measure the pulse sequences which generated by encoder; uses the 74LS74 as a phase detector to real-time identify the direction; uses the LCD1602 screen to real-time display the information of the motor rotation; uses the 4 × 4 matrix keyboard to set and control the speed and direction. The software of this system written in C programming language mainly, follow the principles of modular design, including the speed measurement, speed PWM drive, speed PI-conditioning, speed display, keyboard


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