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摘 要 自行剪叉式高空作业平台是一种方便快捷的升降运输设备,其结构形式和液压系统的布置方式、控制形式以及转向机构和驱动系统直接影响到液压剪叉式升降平台的工作性能和使用寿命。本文采用传统力学计算方法和有限元分析方法,按照实际空间的需要设计出了结构简单,维修、操作方便的自行式液压剪叉式自动控制升降平台。结合实际安装的空间,液压缸选定合适的布置方式。利用传统的力学分析,对其起升机构建立力学模型,分析计算各剪叉杆的内力。按照强度理论进行计算设计和校核剪叉杆、横梁、平台台面,并选择合适的材料。 根据液压缸驱动剪叉机构进行的运动学及动力学分析,确定了液压缸活塞的运动速度与台面升降速度的关系,分析研究平台升降的稳定性.并根据实际空间和实际要求,运用传统力学方法对驱动进行参数化设计,确保整个平台能够实现稳定地自动行走功能。 关键词:剪叉臂, 运动学, matlab, 驱动 Abstract Self-scissors-style high-altitude platform is a convenient and quick movements of transport equipment, its form and structure of the hydraulic system layout, form and control agencies and to directly affect the drive system of hydraulic scissors-type movements and performance of the work platform Life. In this paper, using the traditional mechanical calculation methods and finite element analysis, according to the actual space needs ,designed the self-scissors-control hydraulic lifting platform which has the characteristic of a simple structure, maintenance, easy to operate. According to the actual installation space, the hydraulic cylinders was selected a suitable arrangement. Using of traditional mechanical analysis method, set up its agencies the mechanical model, the calculation of scissors at the internal forces. Calculated in accordance with the strength of the design and check-scissors, beams, flat surface, and select suitable material. According to hydraulic cylinders driven scissors bodies of kinematics and dynamics analysis to determine the movement of the hydraulic cylinder piston speed and the speed of the stage movements, analysis of the take-off and landing platform stability. And in accordance with the actual space and practical requirements, using traditional mechanics methods to parameterly design. By these methods,it makes sure that the entire platform can meet the requirement of stabilitily and automaticly moving. Key Words: scissors, kinematics, matlab,drive 目 录 1 引 言 1 2剪叉式高空作业平台的基本理论知识 1 3 设计的主要内容 2 3.1自行剪叉式高空作业平台起升机构的设计 2 3.1.1 初步确定升降平台起升机构各构件的材料及


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