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目录 1绪 论 1 1.1系统开发背景和系统设计的意义 1 1.2设计目标 1 1.3设计方案的选择 1 1.4论文结构 3 2硬件系统设计 4 2.1硬件设计框图 4 2.2系统的硬件详细设计 4 2.3主要芯片的介绍 6 2.3.1单片机AT89S52 6 2.3.2 A/D转换芯片MAX187 7 2.3.3 D/A转换芯片TLC5618 8 2.4各功能模块电路的设计 8 2.4.1串行通信电路 8 2.4.2单片机外围电路 9 2.4.3 A/D转换和D/A转换电路 11 2.4.4 LED数码管显示电路 14 2.4.5键盘电路 15 2.4.6电源电路 15 3软件系统设计 17 3.1主程序流程图 17 3.2 子模块程序设计 17 3.2.1时钟处理模块 17 3.2.2键盘处理模块 18 3.2.3显示模块 19 3.2.4串行通信模块 19 4系统的调试 21 4.1 硬件调试 21 4.2 软件调试 24 5结束语 26 参考文献 27 致谢 28 附录 29 附录1. 系统硬件电路图 29 附录2. 元件清单 30 附录3部分程序源代码 31 摘要 本单片机系统采用AT89S52控制,整个硬件系统由A/D、D/A转换、LED显示、键盘、串行通信等模块组成。本设计只完成了单片机部分的开发设计,没有设计外部的采集和控制电路。因为没有外部采集电路,所以不能完成具体的测量功能,要完成具体的测量功能(如测量压力、温度、湿度)还要配上外部的各种传感器采集电路和相应的软件。若配上采集电路和相应的软件就能将测量结果用LED数码管十进制显示出来,其中包括了A/D、D/A转换,还可以用按键来控制,进行人机对话;系统中设置了5个按键,其中1个是复位键,其余的4个键,用程序来控制实现不同的功能。之所以没有设计外部采集电路是因为设计了外部采集电路系统的功能就比较单一,不方便系统功能的外部扩展。该系统还能实现单片机与PC机的串行通信和编程的下载、软件设计的时钟显示。 关键词:单片机AT89S52;串行通信;A/D转换;D/A转换;LED数码管显示 Abstract It adopts AT89S52 to control the Single Chip microcomputer system, the whole hardware system is composed of A/D and D/A transformation, LED display, keyboard, serial communication. The design has only completed part of the exploitation design and has not designed the circuit of external collection and control. Because of having not finished the external collection circuit, the material function of measuring has not been finished, in order to finlsh the material function of measuring such as measuring the pressure, temperature or the moisture, and it should be equiped with external sensor collection circuit and the relevant software. If collection circuit and the relevant software are equiped, it can realize that the metrical results are displayed by numeral tube LED in term of decimal system, including A/D and D/A transformation, it also can be controlled by keystroke, makes the man-machine conversation. The system is mounted by five keystroke, one restoring key, another four keys which can be used to realize different functions under the control of program. The reason why the ex


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