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摘 要 本论文主要阐述的是合成阿莫西林原料药所需的中间体D-对羟基苯甘氨酸(简称D酸)的操作规程及回收过程简介。通过本文可深入了解D-对羟基苯甘氨酸的概况及生产全过程。同时,通过本文可了解未来有关D-对羟基苯甘氨酸在制药行业发展的前景,又可据此来投资开发新型制药技术市场。 本文在总结D-对羟基苯甘氨酸回收概况的基础上,系统的阐述了D-对羟基苯甘氨酸生产过程,即部分工作原理、生产工艺、操作规程全部内容。通过对其介绍和分析来深入了解此行业。本文在介绍生产三大部分的同时一并提到了生产过程中所用生产原料、机器机械、生产方法、人员配置和作业时间。同时,对其中的注意事项问题等提出了意见和建议。本文通过老师同学朋友们的帮助下最终完成。 关键词:D-对羟基苯甘氨酸 工作原理 生产工艺 操作规程 Abstract Two wings automatic revolving door is one kind of new revolving door which is specially for the expansion of the people’s movement, it is a perfect combination that combines automatic revolving door、smoothing door and exhibition space on the merits of the three functions . This paper discusses the design process of the two wings automatic revolving door, it include the detailed analysis and design about gate body structure、drive system、transmission system、control system and testing security system of the two wings automatic revolving door. It proposed that the door frame is composed of glass and aluminum framework, the revolving door body is made of rotary-wing and smoothing door by flat steel fixed together, is connect to six passive wheels with the hanging brackets which hang on the door crown circular orbit. he three-phase asynchronous motor drive the revolving door body to ralate on the door crown circular orbit through a reducer and gears transmission; PLC is responsible for the task of controller and the function of rotational speed is rely on the VVF. The flow of personnel passing in and out of the revolution door is checked by the infrared ray sensor, the safety of people are ensured by a number of contact and non-contact sensors and photoelectric proximity switches. On the end, have designed a kind of function practical、safety dependablely revolving door. Keywords: Two wings automatic revolving door, gate body, programmable logic controller, sensor 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc281916886 PAGEREF _Toc281916886 \h 错误!未定义书签。 HYPERLINK \l _Toc281916887 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc281916887 \h I HYPERLIN


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