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摘 要 本论文中设计的模具是单工序弯曲模。属于冲压工艺的一种,但比起冲压模,本套模具突出了弯曲模的特点,而且包括冲压模,文中考虑到工件批量大的特点,选用了经过改进的一种高效率模具,它是能一次成形的回转式压弯模。是组合式的活动凹模,用于弯曲夹角小于90°的U形件,可以一次弯曲成形。 此模具具有一对有缺口的转轴凹模,其缺口与工件外形相适应。凹模是转轴式的,左右两件对称。这种形状的凹模制成组合式的,且镶在凹模镶块中,便于机械加工。另外镶块部分容易磨损,这样利于更换又节省材料。 再根据所选材料和厚度及性质经过计算分析完成该模具的毛坯、弯曲力、回弹值、凸、凹模间隙等的设计计算;选出适合该模具的定位方式、卸料出件方式;设计模具的工作部分即凸、凹模的设计,选择模具的材料并确定每个零部件的加工方案;再根据模具的装配原则,完成模具的装配。装配调整好的模具,需要安装到机器上进行试模。如发现不符合要求的需加以修正,并进行再次试模,直到能正常运行并加工出合格的制品。 关键词:弯曲工艺,弯曲成形,回转凹模 Abstract The design of the mold in this paper is the bending modulus of a single process. Belong to a stamping process, but compared to the stamping die sets of molds highlights the characteristics of the bending die and stamping mold, in this paper, we consider the workpiece volume, the choice of a high-efficiency improved mold, it is can forming a rotary bending mode. The combined activities of the die for the U-shaped bend angle less than 90 °, time bending and forming. This mold has a pair of shaft the die gap to adapt its gap with the workpiece shape. The die is the shaft, about two symmetric. The shape of the concave mold made ??modular, and insert in the die insert, ease of machining. In addition, the insert part is easy to wear, so conducive to change and save material. The decline of the punch with the press the slider, the first blank within the die bent into a U-shaped piece of 90 °, pressure to turn the die when the punch continued to decline, the bottom of the blank, rotating the die force rotation the blanks and further bending and forming. Drive rotating the die when the rebound of the punch with the press the slider, the reverse rotation limit nail and the axis of the spring so that the rotation of the die reset. Bending the die due to this structure can be completed in the press a tour of several pairs of simple mold to complete the bending process, the mold structure is not complicated, so more in production. Then calculated according to the selected material and the thickness and


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