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摘要随着城市建设的发展,居民住宅和商业办公建筑越来越向高层发展。虽然高层建筑解决了城市用地紧张的局面,但高层建筑带来的安全隐患尤其是火灾问题,给高层建筑的救援带来很大的消防难题。要解决这个难题,就必须在高层建筑的给排水设计中对安全隐患进行充分地考虑。该楼位于深圳市,地上十八层,地下一层,地下车库。地上一、二层均为商业区,三至十八层均为住宅,各层高度如下:地下室为3米,一层高4.2m,二层高4.2m,办公及住宅标准层2.8m,建筑总高度58.1m。本设计是某18层住宅楼的建筑给水排水设计,建筑高度为58.1m,为二类高层普通住宅。设计包括生活给水系统,排水系统,和消防系统3部分。生活给水系统分低区、中区和高区。排水系统采用污废分流制,排水立管仅设伸顶通气管,污水经处理后排入市政排水管网。消防系统主要采用室内消火栓系统,设1根立管,火灾初期10min消防用水量由屋顶消防水箱供给,消防水箱的水源由消防泵从消防水池抽取;10min后的消防启动消防水泵,从消防水池抽水供消火栓使用。 设计中给水方式,水表,水泵,雨水系统,消防系统,消防泵的选择和对通气管的取舍均经过说明。 图纸中包含给水系统图,排水系统图,消防系统图关键词:高层住宅楼建筑;给水系统 ;排水系统; 消火栓设计;自动喷水灭火设计;AbstractWith the development of city construction, residential and commercial office buildings are more and more high-rise development. Although high-rise buildings the city land of tension, but the safety of high-rise building has especially fire problem, bring the fire problem greatly to high-rise building rescue. To solve this problem, we must in the high-rise building water supply and drainage design of the security risks are fully considered.The building is located in Shenzhen City, eighteen on the ground floor, basement, underground garage. On one or two floors are commercial district, three to eighteen layers are residential, each layer height are as follows: the basement of 3 meters, a height of two 4.2m, height 4.2m, office and residential standard level 2.8m, total building height of 58.1m.The design of building water supply and drainage of a 18 storey residential building design, building height of 58.1m, two kinds of ordinary high-rise residential. Design includes the water supply system, drainage system, the 3 part and fire control system. Life water supply system and low area, and the central area. Drainage system using sewage waste diversion system, drainage tube is only provided with ventilating pipes, the treated sewage discharged into the municipal sewer system. Fire control system is mainly used for indoor fire hydrant system, set up 1 riser, fire-fighting water consumption by the early 10min roof fire water


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