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学科分类号:___________ 湖南人文科技学院 本科生毕业设计 题 目: 超声波测距器的设计 学生姓名: 贺登高 学号系 部: 通信与控制工程系 专业年级: 电信08级2班 指导教师: 谭甲凡 职 称: 副教授 湖南人文科技学院教务处制 摘 要 本设计是以单片机技术为基础,实现的对前方物体距离测量。使用超生波传感器对前方物体进行感应,经过单片机中的程序对超声波传感器发射和接收的超声波信号进行分析和计算处理,最后将处理结果在LED数码管上显示。本设计使用的STC89C52单片机的超声波测距系统,根据超声波在空气中传播反射原理, 超声波传感器接口部件, 利用超声波在空气中的时间差来测量距离,设计了一套超声波检测系统。该系统主要主控制器模块、超声波发射模块、超声波接收模块和显示模块等四个模块构成0和外部中断0使定时器计时,接收到发射超声波信号时,外部中断0关闭中断,这时定时器中断0计录的时间就为超声波传播经过测距仪到前方物体的来回时间。利用公式 S=T×V/2(V为超生波传播速度,本设计设定值340m/s),单片机把处理的距离值S并且通过八段LED显示出来。 关键词:超声波;测距;单片机 Abstract The design is based on microprocessor technology to achieve the right measurement of the front object distance. transmission distance is far in medium.use of ultrasound sensors on the front induction objects, SCM logic analysis and calculate through the procedures of ultrasonic sensors transmitting and receiving ultrasonic signals , Finally, after processing the data is in the digital LED tube. Ultrasonic Ranging System Based on AT89C51 ,The ultrasonic system based on the air-borne reflection principle ,ultrasonic sensors are interface components, used the time gap ultrasonic wave transmit in the air to measure distance with application of SCM technology, be able to design a set of ultrasonic detection system. a controller module design, ultrasonic transmitter module design, ultrasonic receiver and display module 4 module is The system design work. Papers presented the design through ultrasonic sensor (non-contact measurement) measurement ultrasonic sensors are fat Radio emission of ultrasonic, with some receiving ultrasonic receiver. The use of two design interruption when the signal is launched open timer and external interrupt 0 so that the timer interruption time, When receiving ultrasonic signals to the launch, the external interrupt 0 closed interruption At this time the timer interrupt 0 Total recorded the time is the ultrasonic wav


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